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WLE and SNB next week. Any advice?

Forums General Melanoma Community WLE and SNB next week. Any advice?

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      23 yrs old, diagnosed in January after finding a spot on the back of my left ear. Will be having a WLE, reconstruction, and SNB next week. Wondering how long recovery typically takes? Can't really find much about melanoma on the ear so sort of in the dark.

      23 yrs old, diagnosed in January after finding a spot on the back of my left ear. Will be having a WLE, reconstruction, and SNB next week. Wondering how long recovery typically takes? Can't really find much about melanoma on the ear so sort of in the dark.

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          Hi there

          I have just had the same as you my WLE was on my shin and the SNB was in left groin but all the same… I came out of theatre just fine felt like I had been through nothing but I got swelling in at the SNB site after about 7 days due to lymph gathering in the empty space I think this all happened because I didnt rest enough I went walking which aggrevated it and got on with everything as normal so a lesson was learnt to take it wasy otherwise you only extend the recovery time.. I did get an infection in the excision site too so be very careful cleaning or changing the dressings ๐Ÿ™‚ this was my second surgery as this was a recurrence at the same site but it made no difference all was totally recovered from 4 years ago.

          I am sorry I dont know anything about melanoma on the ear just about the procedure as I have just had it ..


          good luck and I will be thinking of you




            Hi there

            I have just had the same as you my WLE was on my shin and the SNB was in left groin but all the same… I came out of theatre just fine felt like I had been through nothing but I got swelling in at the SNB site after about 7 days due to lymph gathering in the empty space I think this all happened because I didnt rest enough I went walking which aggrevated it and got on with everything as normal so a lesson was learnt to take it wasy otherwise you only extend the recovery time.. I did get an infection in the excision site too so be very careful cleaning or changing the dressings ๐Ÿ™‚ this was my second surgery as this was a recurrence at the same site but it made no difference all was totally recovered from 4 years ago.

            I am sorry I dont know anything about melanoma on the ear just about the procedure as I have just had it ..


            good luck and I will be thinking of you




              Hi there

              I have just had the same as you my WLE was on my shin and the SNB was in left groin but all the same… I came out of theatre just fine felt like I had been through nothing but I got swelling in at the SNB site after about 7 days due to lymph gathering in the empty space I think this all happened because I didnt rest enough I went walking which aggrevated it and got on with everything as normal so a lesson was learnt to take it wasy otherwise you only extend the recovery time.. I did get an infection in the excision site too so be very careful cleaning or changing the dressings ๐Ÿ™‚ this was my second surgery as this was a recurrence at the same site but it made no difference all was totally recovered from 4 years ago.

              I am sorry I dont know anything about melanoma on the ear just about the procedure as I have just had it ..


              good luck and I will be thinking of you



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