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Wife had seizures yesterday and in icu I believe due to stereoscopic surgery.

Forums General Melanoma Community Wife had seizures yesterday and in icu I believe due to stereoscopic surgery.

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      I wrote 2 weeks ago before our Maui vaca that my wife found out about brain mets. Was concerned about flying. The vacation was awesome! Came back and had her stereoscopic surgery on Wed. She was fine that night, and went to work the next day. Yesterday received a call from her work that she was having multiple seizures! She was taken to the ER and I’m in the ICU 15 hours later. There was no bleeding, thank GOD! She is under now and I’m waiting for neurology for the next step.
      Has this happened to anyone else? I’m so mad at the stereoscopic surgery doctors made it seem so chill and never warned me that this was a possibility. Maybe I’m stupid for not thinking about it but I can’t think of everything! What if she was home alone or driving??
      I assume she will lose her license for safety. Anyone know of services in san Diego for this?

      Concerned husband

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    • Replies

          Hi Chris.


          I would be upset with your the stereoscopic surgery doctors also. They should have alerted you to potential side effects to watch for. I pray that she will be OK.

          Where did you wife have her stereoscopic surgery? I think that other living in southern california  might like to know where your wife is being treated just in case they need the same type treatment. I live in orange county so I would benefit knowing who is treating your wife future refernce. 

          Who is her oncologist doctor & neurology doctor??? Are you happy with the treatment that your wife has received??

          Thanks for telling us where & who is treating your wife.We can all learn from your experience.

          God Bless you both & take care of yourself.



              Hi Chris,

              No words of wisdom to offer but I woud be upset as well. I am amazed your wife went back to work the next day and was driving too!!  I hope things turn out ok with all aspects of her brain, and she recovers quickly and that there is an explanation for all this!

              Vermont_Donna, stage 3a

              stable after 4 infusions of Ipi


                Hi Chris,

                No words of wisdom to offer but I woud be upset as well. I am amazed your wife went back to work the next day and was driving too!!  I hope things turn out ok with all aspects of her brain, and she recovers quickly and that there is an explanation for all this!

                Vermont_Donna, stage 3a

                stable after 4 infusions of Ipi


                Hi Chris.


                I would be upset with your the stereoscopic surgery doctors also. They should have alerted you to potential side effects to watch for. I pray that she will be OK.

                Where did you wife have her stereoscopic surgery? I think that other living in southern california  might like to know where your wife is being treated just in case they need the same type treatment. I live in orange county so I would benefit knowing who is treating your wife future refernce. 

                Who is her oncologist doctor & neurology doctor??? Are you happy with the treatment that your wife has received??

                Thanks for telling us where & who is treating your wife.We can all learn from your experience.

                God Bless you both & take care of yourself.


                  Shes up and atom now. Responsive but a little bummed out about the obvious and her drivers license. Not sure why it happened but they have put her on anti seizure medication and are resuming radiosugery on Monday.
                  So happy she’s alive!!
                    Carmon in NM

                      Hi Chris – I don't know a lot about the treatment your wife is having but they immediately put me on anti-seizure meds when I had brain surgery and told me I would be on them for up to six months. They also advised my husband and caregivers that seizures were a definite possibility so it seems that your doctors were remiss in not giving you the same advice.

                      I didn't have any seizures and I was only on meds for a little over a month. I also didn't drive for about two months after until I was off the meds and my vision had improved.

                      My prayers for her that this is the end of any problems that she will have! Carmon in NM

                      Carmon in NM

                        Hi Chris – I don't know a lot about the treatment your wife is having but they immediately put me on anti-seizure meds when I had brain surgery and told me I would be on them for up to six months. They also advised my husband and caregivers that seizures were a definite possibility so it seems that your doctors were remiss in not giving you the same advice.

                        I didn't have any seizures and I was only on meds for a little over a month. I also didn't drive for about two months after until I was off the meds and my vision had improved.

                        My prayers for her that this is the end of any problems that she will have! Carmon in NM


                          Hi Chris.


                          I would be upset with your the stereoscopic surgery doctors also. They should have alerted you to potential side effects to watch for. I pray that she will be OK.

                          Where did you wife have her stereoscopic surgery? I think that other living in southern california  might like to know where your wife is being treated just in case they need the same type treatment. I live in orange county so I would benefit knowing who is treating your wife future refernce. 

                          Who is her oncologist doctor & neurology doctor??? Are you happy with the treatment that your wife has received??

                          Thanks for telling us where & who is treating your wife.We can all learn from your experience.

                          God Bless you both & take care of yourself.



                            Hi Chris.


                            I would be upset with your the stereoscopic surgery doctors also. They should have alerted you to potential side effects to watch for. I pray that she will be OK.

                            Where did you wife have her stereoscopic surgery? I think that other living in southern california  might like to know where your wife is being treated just in case they need the same type treatment. I live in orange county so I would benefit knowing who is treating your wife future refernce. 

                            Who is her oncologist doctor & neurology doctor??? Are you happy with the treatment that your wife has received??

                            Thanks for telling us where & who is treating your wife.We can all learn from your experience.

                            God Bless you both & take care of yourself.


                            Shes up and atom now. Responsive but a little bummed out about the obvious and her drivers license. Not sure why it happened but they have put her on anti seizure medication and are resuming radiosugery on Monday.
                            So happy she’s alive!!
                            Jan in OC

                              Hi Chris, I am sorry to hear that your SRS went so badly.  I would also like to know who is treating your wife.  We are in south OC, halfway between SD and LA.  We just had SRS done at UCLA on my husbands brain mets last week.  No side effects. We will do MRI in two months to see what is going on in his brain. I know how tough the caregiver job can be.  Hoping the best for you and your wife.

                              Jan, wife to Dirk


                                  Hi Jan,


                                  How is Dirk doing on IPI?? Any side effects??? I sure you are glad to have the brain problem behind you.

                                  Hang in there.


                                  Jan in OC

                                    Hi Sue, the worst of the side effects are the rash and itching…doesn't sleep well…makes him really grouchy, but it is also not helping that his broke his right arm about 5 weeks ago. I help him shower, dress, tie his shoes, cut his food, etc.  He says he feels like he is two again… LOL!!!

                                    So far we haven't seen any improvement of the visible mel spots…they just keep growing.  But we are just past infusion #3, so there is still lots of hope.

                                    Thanks for asking smiley

                                    Jan, wife to Dirk

                                    Jan in OC

                                      Hi Sue, the worst of the side effects are the rash and itching…doesn't sleep well…makes him really grouchy, but it is also not helping that his broke his right arm about 5 weeks ago. I help him shower, dress, tie his shoes, cut his food, etc.  He says he feels like he is two again… LOL!!!

                                      So far we haven't seen any improvement of the visible mel spots…they just keep growing.  But we are just past infusion #3, so there is still lots of hope.

                                      Thanks for asking smiley

                                      Jan, wife to Dirk


                                        Hi Jan,


                                        How is Dirk doing on IPI?? Any side effects??? I sure you are glad to have the brain problem behind you.

                                        Hang in there.


                                      Jan in OC

                                        Hi Chris, I am sorry to hear that your SRS went so badly.  I would also like to know who is treating your wife.  We are in south OC, halfway between SD and LA.  We just had SRS done at UCLA on my husbands brain mets last week.  No side effects. We will do MRI in two months to see what is going on in his brain. I know how tough the caregiver job can be.  Hoping the best for you and your wife.

                                        Jan, wife to Dirk



                                          I have no advice just wanted to tell you you and your wife are in my thoughts and prayers.


                                          Amy S. in Michigan



                                            I have no advice just wanted to tell you you and your wife are in my thoughts and prayers.


                                            Amy S. in Michigan

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