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      Hi all, kudos to all you hard fighting worriers of this terrible disease.

      I have just had an op to remove a met mel tumour lodged between my pancreas and colon. The op was successful and the tumour removed but then my colon developed a leak. This all involved a hospital stay of some 5 weeks due to infection having manifested itself.

      While in hospital various scans had to be taken and one in particular worries me. When confronted the doctors merely told me not to worry as thay had more serious issues to deal with in view of the colon leak. I accepted the fact that this was priority.

      The scan report reads as following:

      There is sclerotic focus in the left iliac blade.

      This can represent a bone island but a focal metastatic lesion is not excluded.

      What does this indicate – a possible further met malenoma.

      The doctors have ignored my request for an interpretation.

      Has anybody out there had a similar result and what were the consequenses?

      I really could not face a further cession in hospital after having had my stomach due to melanoma removed in November 2015 and now this melanoma in November 2016 as described above.

      Any thoughts would be most appreciated.

      Regards. Wally

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    • Replies

          Hi Wally,

          Not a medic- so bear this in mind. they are looking at the iliac blade which is part of the pelvis. So its the left bit of your pelvis that has a patch of bone that is different on CT. 

          this link explains it a bit more-

          The person interpreting the scan has outlined  two possibles- from the scan- a benign bone island or possibly melanoma again.

          Sounds like you have really been through a lot with melanoma, and I am sorry you feel the docs are ignoring your requests for clarity. In view of your history I'm  sure there will be other scans done earlier in your treatment that will likely indicate if this is something new for you.

          If it was more melanoma I really don't know what the treatment might be. It does sound like there is some doubt about what this represents and by the sound of things you have had more than enough to deal with before Christmas. Hope you are starting to feel better and that it does turn out not to be more melanoma.

          Best wishes




            Hi Wally,

            Not a medic- so bear this in mind. they are looking at the iliac blade which is part of the pelvis. So its the left bit of your pelvis that has a patch of bone that is different on CT. 

            this link explains it a bit more-

            The person interpreting the scan has outlined  two possibles- from the scan- a benign bone island or possibly melanoma again.

            Sounds like you have really been through a lot with melanoma, and I am sorry you feel the docs are ignoring your requests for clarity. In view of your history I'm  sure there will be other scans done earlier in your treatment that will likely indicate if this is something new for you.

            If it was more melanoma I really don't know what the treatment might be. It does sound like there is some doubt about what this represents and by the sound of things you have had more than enough to deal with before Christmas. Hope you are starting to feel better and that it does turn out not to be more melanoma.

            Best wishes




              Hi Wally,

              Not a medic- so bear this in mind. they are looking at the iliac blade which is part of the pelvis. So its the left bit of your pelvis that has a patch of bone that is different on CT. 

              this link explains it a bit more-

              The person interpreting the scan has outlined  two possibles- from the scan- a benign bone island or possibly melanoma again.

              Sounds like you have really been through a lot with melanoma, and I am sorry you feel the docs are ignoring your requests for clarity. In view of your history I'm  sure there will be other scans done earlier in your treatment that will likely indicate if this is something new for you.

              If it was more melanoma I really don't know what the treatment might be. It does sound like there is some doubt about what this represents and by the sound of things you have had more than enough to deal with before Christmas. Hope you are starting to feel better and that it does turn out not to be more melanoma.

              Best wishes




                Hi Wally,

                Not a medic- so bear this in mind. they are looking at the iliac blade which is part of the pelvis. So its the left bit of your pelvis that has a patch of bone that is different on CT. 

                this link explains it a bit more-

                The person interpreting the scan has outlined  two possibles- from the scan- a benign bone island or possibly melanoma again.

                Sounds like you have really been through a lot with melanoma, and I am sorry you feel the docs are ignoring your requests for clarity. In view of your history I'm  sure there will be other scans done earlier in your treatment that will likely indicate if this is something new for you.

                If it was more melanoma I really don't know what the treatment might be. It does sound like there is some doubt about what this represents and by the sound of things you have had more than enough to deal with before Christmas. Hope you are starting to feel better and that it does turn out not to be more melanoma.

                Best wishes




                    Thank you so much Deb. I will be seeing my Oncologist on 24/1 so  hopefully she will take this a step further. Your responses are comforting and much appreciated. Sincerely yours. Wally.


                      Thank you so much Deb. I will be seeing my Oncologist on 24/1 so  hopefully she will take this a step further. Your responses are comforting and much appreciated. Sincerely yours. Wally.


                        Thank you so much Deb. I will be seeing my Oncologist on 24/1 so  hopefully she will take this a step further. Your responses are comforting and much appreciated. Sincerely yours. Wally.


                        Hi Wally,

                        Not a medic- so bear this in mind. they are looking at the iliac blade which is part of the pelvis. So its the left bit of your pelvis that has a patch of bone that is different on CT. 

                        this link explains it a bit more-

                        The person interpreting the scan has outlined  two possibles- from the scan- a benign bone island or possibly melanoma again.

                        Sounds like you have really been through a lot with melanoma, and I am sorry you feel the docs are ignoring your requests for clarity. In view of your history I'm  sure there will be other scans done earlier in your treatment that will likely indicate if this is something new for you.

                        If it was more melanoma I really don't know what the treatment might be. It does sound like there is some doubt about what this represents and by the sound of things you have had more than enough to deal with before Christmas. Hope you are starting to feel better and that it does turn out not to be more melanoma.

                        Best wishes




                          Hi Wally,

                          Not a medic- so bear this in mind. they are looking at the iliac blade which is part of the pelvis. So its the left bit of your pelvis that has a patch of bone that is different on CT. 

                          this link explains it a bit more-

                          The person interpreting the scan has outlined  two possibles- from the scan- a benign bone island or possibly melanoma again.

                          Sounds like you have really been through a lot with melanoma, and I am sorry you feel the docs are ignoring your requests for clarity. In view of your history I'm  sure there will be other scans done earlier in your treatment that will likely indicate if this is something new for you.

                          If it was more melanoma I really don't know what the treatment might be. It does sound like there is some doubt about what this represents and by the sound of things you have had more than enough to deal with before Christmas. Hope you are starting to feel better and that it does turn out not to be more melanoma.

                          Best wishes



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