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What were your anal melanoma symptoms

Forums General Melanoma Community What were your anal melanoma symptoms

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      Hello all,

      I am a 29 year old female with a one year old son. About 6 weeks ago I noticed in the shower that I had a soft lump sticking out of my anus. After getting out and looking in the mirror it looked like a white lump and it was soft/squishy to touch. I forgot about it for a few weeks because I didn’t feel it anymore but I also wasn’t checking for it. Then last week I felt it again in the shower and checked the mirror after I got out and this time it was very dark purple/blue. It usually only comes out in the shower or when sitting on the toilet sometimes but I can push it back in or if I leave it alone then it goes back in on it’s own. Sorry it tmi here but when looking in the mirror it I spread my anus anus with my hands, the inside of my anus is purple and I think I may see some spots of black at the bottom by the perineal (which is a where the squishy lump is). Of course I googled some pictures online and saw on similar to mine that had black spots and was Anorectal melanoma. I am now terrified after reading about it and the statistics. As I said before I have a one year old son so that’s what scares me the most. I have an appointment with a surgeon but can’t get in until this Friday and I think I am going to make myself sick and with worry all week. I know you are not doctors but if anyone could tell me how their anal melanoma presented that would be helpful. I have no bleeding at all even during bowel movements and no pain so far.

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          MD, PHD here (although not a melanoma specialist) with cutaneous melanoma myself.

          Almost certainly, what you are describing are internal hemorrhoids. I do agree you should be examined by a doctor, but you the chances that this are melanoma are far less than 1%

            I understand you are frightened. Have a young child heightens that fear. It’s more likely a hemorrhoid as those are common and anal melanoma is not. However you are doing the right thing. Prayers and best wishes to you.
              I understand you are frightened. Have a young child heightens that fear. It’s more likely a hemorrhoid as those are common and anal melanoma is not. However you are doing the right thing. Prayers and best wishes to you.
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