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What Does NED Mean Exactly

Forums General Melanoma Community What Does NED Mean Exactly

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      My wife the other night was rejoicing that I was now NED.  I said I thought that was not clearly the case.  I've only had one met to the body.  That was surgically removed, and my last PET scan was negative for any cancer.  But my last MRI showed me with two very small brain mets.  Both of those were "dealt with" by SRS, according to the onc, successfully.  Does successful SRS treatment of the brain mean that my brain is currently NED?  Guess that's my question before I claim the status.

      My wife the other night was rejoicing that I was now NED.  I said I thought that was not clearly the case.  I've only had one met to the body.  That was surgically removed, and my last PET scan was negative for any cancer.  But my last MRI showed me with two very small brain mets.  Both of those were "dealt with" by SRS, according to the onc, successfully.  Does successful SRS treatment of the brain mean that my brain is currently NED?  Guess that's my question before I claim the status. I know, despite being hit by SRS, you can still see something on MRIs in the area that was radiated.

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          It is my understanding that MRI can't tell if something is dead or alive. What the doctors see on MRI images are white spots with dark rings around them. The white spots can be from tumor tissue (dead or alive) or from immune cells attacking the tumor. The dark rings are from blood or from serum (edema) surrounding the tumor. When a treatment is "successful" (radiation or chemo), the white spots remain the same or get smaller and the dark rings get smaller (less blood, less edema).

          So as far as I'm concerned, you are currently NED. Congratulations!! 


            It is my understanding that MRI can't tell if something is dead or alive. What the doctors see on MRI images are white spots with dark rings around them. The white spots can be from tumor tissue (dead or alive) or from immune cells attacking the tumor. The dark rings are from blood or from serum (edema) surrounding the tumor. When a treatment is "successful" (radiation or chemo), the white spots remain the same or get smaller and the dark rings get smaller (less blood, less edema).

            So as far as I'm concerned, you are currently NED. Congratulations!! 


              It is my understanding that MRI can't tell if something is dead or alive. What the doctors see on MRI images are white spots with dark rings around them. The white spots can be from tumor tissue (dead or alive) or from immune cells attacking the tumor. The dark rings are from blood or from serum (edema) surrounding the tumor. When a treatment is "successful" (radiation or chemo), the white spots remain the same or get smaller and the dark rings get smaller (less blood, less edema).

              So as far as I'm concerned, you are currently NED. Congratulations!! 


                I am stage 4 and NED. They can not "tell" for sure if melanoma is dead or not by a scan. They assume if it remains stable over a long period of time that it might be dead. Only a biopsy would show for sure. NED stands for NO EVIDENCE of DISEASE. Hoping you a long , healthy life!


                  I am stage 4 and NED. They can not "tell" for sure if melanoma is dead or not by a scan. They assume if it remains stable over a long period of time that it might be dead. Only a biopsy would show for sure. NED stands for NO EVIDENCE of DISEASE. Hoping you a long , healthy life!


                    I am stage 4 and NED. They can not "tell" for sure if melanoma is dead or not by a scan. They assume if it remains stable over a long period of time that it might be dead. Only a biopsy would show for sure. NED stands for NO EVIDENCE of DISEASE. Hoping you a long , healthy life!

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