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Well, Im back. Hope I dont stay.

Forums General Melanoma Community Well, Im back. Hope I dont stay.

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      So in October I had a tage 1a melanoma removed from my neck.  Surgery went good.  Didnt need a lymph node biopsy and the scar is healing nicely.

      Well a few days ago I noticed a somewhat ingrown hair just outside of the border of a mole on my arm.  A mole that my derm said looked fine but it always looked kinda odd and big and out of shape to me.  Anyway, I picked at the ingrown hair which again is not on the mole itself.  It bled a little and Iet it alone.  Now today I noticed that the whole area is still irritated, bleeds a little bit feels like it is raised underneath, but the BIG red flag is there is a new black spot within the mole  On the part of the mole that is furthest away from where the ingrown hair is.  

      I immediately called my derm and I have an appointment on Thursday, but needless to say I am freaking out.  I am 100% sure that black spot was not on the mole a few weeks ago.  Since my mel diagnosis I watch my moles like a hawk.  Is it possible for a melanoma to grow this fast?  I hate this.  I know not all mole changes mean melanoma but my mind just cant think of anything else now.

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          Sorry to welcome you back ๐Ÿ™‚  But please do take comfort in the knowledge that you are doing exactly the right thing right now.  You noticed a change and are having it checked within days or a few weeks.  That is FAST!  Even if it does turn out to be melanoma, what are the odds that it would have spread in such a short amount of time?  You are on top of this and that makes all the difference.  We should all be as vigilant.  Best of luck to you and I'm hoping this is a false alarm.




              Thanks Maggie.  My big worry is that it has been a melanoma all along and was missed.  My derm did look at it and used a dermascope and said he didnt think it was anything to be worried about.  It is by the far the most odd mole on my body.  But then you see stories all over the internet about derms and mds who completely missed a melanoma and it was diagnosed at a much more dangerous stage later.  Stories like that are the ones I cant get out of my head.  

              I appreciate your encouragement and kind optomistic words.  I too hope it is nothing but a false alarm.  


                Thanks Maggie.  My big worry is that it has been a melanoma all along and was missed.  My derm did look at it and used a dermascope and said he didnt think it was anything to be worried about.  It is by the far the most odd mole on my body.  But then you see stories all over the internet about derms and mds who completely missed a melanoma and it was diagnosed at a much more dangerous stage later.  Stories like that are the ones I cant get out of my head.  

                I appreciate your encouragement and kind optomistic words.  I too hope it is nothing but a false alarm.  


                  Thanks Maggie.  My big worry is that it has been a melanoma all along and was missed.  My derm did look at it and used a dermascope and said he didnt think it was anything to be worried about.  It is by the far the most odd mole on my body.  But then you see stories all over the internet about derms and mds who completely missed a melanoma and it was diagnosed at a much more dangerous stage later.  Stories like that are the ones I cant get out of my head.  

                  I appreciate your encouragement and kind optomistic words.  I too hope it is nothing but a false alarm.  


                  Sorry to welcome you back ๐Ÿ™‚  But please do take comfort in the knowledge that you are doing exactly the right thing right now.  You noticed a change and are having it checked within days or a few weeks.  That is FAST!  Even if it does turn out to be melanoma, what are the odds that it would have spread in such a short amount of time?  You are on top of this and that makes all the difference.  We should all be as vigilant.  Best of luck to you and I'm hoping this is a false alarm.




                    Sorry to welcome you back ๐Ÿ™‚  But please do take comfort in the knowledge that you are doing exactly the right thing right now.  You noticed a change and are having it checked within days or a few weeks.  That is FAST!  Even if it does turn out to be melanoma, what are the odds that it would have spread in such a short amount of time?  You are on top of this and that makes all the difference.  We should all be as vigilant.  Best of luck to you and I'm hoping this is a false alarm.



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