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USC Wrote about my Mom

Forums General Melanoma Community USC Wrote about my Mom

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      My Mom is a total success story when it comes to melanoma and the revolutionarily immunotherapies now available. She was diagnosed on Halloween in 2013 with melanoma. By Thanksgiving we knew she had brain mets too – after a misdiagnosis!  We were lucky enough to eventually find the right doctors and she got the right treatment Yervoy and Gamma Knife Radiation. 

      She was lucky for more than one reason. The first being that the 3rd opinion found the brain mets which were missed. She was treated 4 days before starting treatment at USC with Yervoy. The second is because she was a supper responder and the tumors just melted away before our eyes… Finally, when we got an answer we didn't like about a brain MRI we headed to USC for a second opinion. Her new doctor found another misdiagnosis! My Mom was treated successfully for 17 brain mets a week later!  If it weren't for the folks at USC (and a daughters persistence) I am sure my Mom's outcome would not have been as good as it's been.

      Here is her story!


      Mom's been treated for 28 brain mets!

      When in doubt get a second opinion. It can make all the difference sometimes.


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          Wow, that's amazing! Thanks for sharing.

          ed williams

            Nice story Patina!!!


              Wonderful!  Your mom is lucky to have such a tireless advocate for a daughter!!  celeste


                What a wonderful story….an inspiration!

                sister of patient

                  Hey Patina – Your mom's story has always been so inspiring. I'm glad that so many others will get to hear of it too. And she looks great – literally "shining." My best to both of you!!!



                    Shut the front door! This is AWESOME! I ask about "your mom" (no name ever disclosed) each time I'm at USC. 🙂  She and I have patterned so similarly… I've followed your posts about her since coming into this forum. Always enjoy hearing how well she's doing. USC's toughest patient! Los Olivos… I used to ride my bike down Foxen Canyon and "rest stop" in the beautiful little town on days off. That was pre-stage IV. Not sure I could make the hilly 70 mile round trip these days. If your mom is ever up for a cup of coffee and a chat with USC's #2…. I'd love to meet her.  [email protected] 


                      How inspiriting! Thanks for posting this and wishing your Mom and the rest of the family continued good health! ~ Carol


                        What a great article on your Mom, Patina.  I remember her story well.  So glad she continues to do well.  I will be seeing a brain radiation guy on Wednesday that works directly with my oncologist.  Not my regular brain guy as he is off this week.  I have had good experiences with gamma knife so far.  I don't think Keytruda ever kicked in for me though.  Loved the picture of your Mom.  My Mom is 83 and runs around more than anyone half her age that I know.  She's off to Greece in a couple of weeks, then Scotland a month later.  I wish I had my Mom's energy.  Thanks for posting, Patina!



                        I love this!  Thanks so much for sharing.

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