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Trade wars and balanced budgets

Forums General Melanoma Community Trade wars and balanced budgets

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      Well I'm not surprised that Obama is getting the cold shoulder from the Group of 20. We are their profit center. None of them sell enough without the US market to be profitable and they won't voluntarily reduce their piece of American pie. And they sure won't open their domestic markets to us. So is the world headed for a global trade war? Possibly.  If Washington truely wants to bring back jobs to America, in the long term, we will have to put some limit on imports. This will be inflationary given that foreign produced products, especially Asian, are cheaper.

      Well I'm not surprised that Obama is getting the cold shoulder from the Group of 20. We are their profit center. None of them sell enough without the US market to be profitable and they won't voluntarily reduce their piece of American pie. And they sure won't open their domestic markets to us. So is the world headed for a global trade war? Possibly.  If Washington truely wants to bring back jobs to America, in the long term, we will have to put some limit on imports. This will be inflationary given that foreign produced products, especially Asian, are cheaper. And what a mess if other countries retaliate by dumping dollars and reducing American imports. The hard truth is our huge trade deficits can't continue forever.


      Balanced budgets are gonna be hard to achieve while we maintain two wars of occupation and simultaneous rebuild Iraq and Afganistan. Realistically huge cuts in military spending, reductions of Soc Security benefits and net increases in taxes or some combination of them all is gonna have to happen unless the economy makes a miracle recovery and drives up government revenues.  To praphrase Dylan, its a hard rain gonna fall before the excesses of the past decade or more are washed away. 


      Ah but perhaps the Tea Baggers and their merry band will have new and exciting solutions!  More guns, smaller government (no government?) anti orbortion and anti stem cell research should solve everything. Oh ya, and abolish income taxes. That outa work, eh?

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