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To PET, or not to PET?

Forums General Melanoma Community To PET, or not to PET?

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      Hi all,

      Here's a question that just popped into my head: Just had Excision w/nodes. If everything comes back clean, would a PET scan possibly be a good idea just to wrap things up a little better? 

      Just trying to keep things straight in my head. The surgeon took the closest SLN, and said that there was no need to take any others that lit up on the scan because any irregularities would show up on the closest one …no need to check beyond that point. Hope he's right! Anyway, just wondering how often a PET scan is used after a clean margin, node check.

      Just loved those pre-scan injections!

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          Did you have a scan before surgery? If not, then a scan would be the standard of care to complete staging, doesn't matter what the SLNB results are, still need to make sure the rest of your insides look good. 


              My thoughts exactly. I have not had a PET scan yet. It was the General Surgeon who said that a PET scan would not be necessary. Guessing that it would be my Derm who would make that decision? This is through the VA, so who knows what will or will not be done.


                Someone needs to order one, so either you ask the surgeon to order you one or if he won't then ask the derm to. But, either way, you would not be getting proper standard of care with no scan and that is not ok.

              ed williams

                Hi Jeff, I think you will find a lot of different opinions on the topic. Oncologist can't even agree on it, different hospitals have different standards. Some times it depends on Risk factors like Mitosis rate, primary depth and Ulcerated or not ulcerated. I had scans every 3 months after having CLND for the first year and then I progressed to stage 4 and eventually started trial from BMS called checkmate 067, which was phase 3 trial of Ipi/ Nivo or monotherapy of ipi or nivo. During trial they have done CT scans with contrast every 6 week for first 14 months and then switched to 3 month interval of Abdomen and Chest. Brain MRI scans with contrast, have been every 3 months for the last 3.5years. Best Wishes!!!Ed


                  Hello Jeff,  I would like to recommend you see a melanoma specialist if you are not already seeing one.  They have the latest information and are experienced in what needs to be done.  Get a copy of all scans, surgeries and doctor notes to take with you as it is faster than having to request it and wait for them to send them.

                  Judy (loving wife of Gene Stage IV and now NED for almost 5 years)


                      Thank you, Judy. I'll have to do some checking, but I don't think the VA offers a specialist for Melanoma. So far, I have only been seen by a Dermatologist, and a General Surgeon. I'll have to check into that. No matter what the Pathology report shows, I am still going to request a PET scan.

                      Thanks again,



                        Just got off the phone with my Dermatologist. She said that since the SLNB was clean, it would be unusual to proceed with a PET scan. She advised that the regular three-month visits with her would be enough. One thing that has me scratching my head in regard to the regular visits is that no photos have been taken to establish a baseline for any possible changes. Is it my imagination, or is this all "sub-standard" treatment? Maybe it's just typical for the VA Healthcare system. Frustrating as my concerns appear to be taken as that of a hypochondriac.

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