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this just hit my news

Forums Pediatric & AYA Melanoma Community this just hit my news

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    Bonnie Lea


      Hiya guys and guyetts, just read this, maybe old news for some of you but I just read it now. up here in Canada!!



      CHICAGO – The American Academy of Pediatrics wants teenagers banned from tanning salons to reduce their risk of skin cancer.


      Hiya guys and guyetts, just read this, maybe old news for some of you but I just read it now. up here in Canada!!



      CHICAGO – The American Academy of Pediatrics wants teenagers banned from tanning salons to reduce their risk of skin cancer.

      More than 30 states regulate indoor tanning by minors, with some banning children younger than 14 or requiring parental permission. Illinois and New York are among states considering bills barring anyone under 18 from indoor tanning.

      The academy's stance is part of a policy statement appearing Monday in the journal Pediatrics.

      Lead author Dr. Sophie Balk of Children's Hospital at Montefiore in New York says indoor tanning is popular among teenage girls. Some make getting a tan part of their senior prom ritual.

      About 8,700 people died of melanoma last year and about 68,130 new melanomas were diagnosed. Evidence links indoor tanning with increased risk.

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          I'm in the Chicago area and our newspapers have this story online today.  People seem to think it's another way of the government to control everything.  Darn shame about that –


            I'm in the Chicago area and our newspapers have this story online today.  People seem to think it's another way of the government to control everything.  Darn shame about that –

            Bonnie Lea

              along with some other shows I watch (realtity stuff when nothing else is on)  the recent bit of 'my additction' or something, now a recent re-run of a "say yes to the dress" has a bride all freaking out cos she needs NEEDS a tan (she is from New Jersey, and says everyone there gets tans from tanning salons when not out baking on the beaches.  And her bridesmaids some looked quite reluctiant, and I could imagine her saying  "well you can't be in MY WEDDING if you are not tanned"  one of the consultants asked nicely,  so you want everyone to get tanned huh?  bridezilla says yes, another consultant says  like that snookie person (or what ever)   oh no not that tanned, but tanned enuff to set off the wedding party. 


              I felt sooooo mad….. then next day read this report out of Chicago. and thought….hmmmm this makes two of those types of shows I have seen recently.  what not to wear, and say yes to tthe dress  plus that addiction show, I would love to see a 5 year followup.  for my own morbid reasons.

              Bonnie Lea

                along with some other shows I watch (realtity stuff when nothing else is on)  the recent bit of 'my additction' or something, now a recent re-run of a "say yes to the dress" has a bride all freaking out cos she needs NEEDS a tan (she is from New Jersey, and says everyone there gets tans from tanning salons when not out baking on the beaches.  And her bridesmaids some looked quite reluctiant, and I could imagine her saying  "well you can't be in MY WEDDING if you are not tanned"  one of the consultants asked nicely,  so you want everyone to get tanned huh?  bridezilla says yes, another consultant says  like that snookie person (or what ever)   oh no not that tanned, but tanned enuff to set off the wedding party. 


                I felt sooooo mad….. then next day read this report out of Chicago. and thought….hmmmm this makes two of those types of shows I have seen recently.  what not to wear, and say yes to tthe dress  plus that addiction show, I would love to see a 5 year followup.  for my own morbid reasons.

                Bonnie Lea

                  That is just such great news Linda.  Now maybe on shows like say yes to the dress little blushing brides will be just that BLUSHING in a nice way not oranging brides.  the guy that said he has a tanning thingy, cos he likes to be fit or what ever he said, the look on his face when he saw the photo the doctor showed him of her patient's leision (the one who has since passed away)  like ewwwwwwwwwy.

                  I wonder if what sobered them up was the thought of what they looked like in 20 years from now.  thanks that boosted my day, and maybe now people won't wish to be a snookieized fist pumping prob very nice girl in real life. with a group problem of tanning.

                  I choked when I heard she wished to make sure everyone in america had one in their homes.  Can you imagine.  Like that saying   a chicken in everyones pot.

                  small baby steps but at least if this is indeed real….then baby steps they be.

                  Bonnie Lea

                    That is just such great news Linda.  Now maybe on shows like say yes to the dress little blushing brides will be just that BLUSHING in a nice way not oranging brides.  the guy that said he has a tanning thingy, cos he likes to be fit or what ever he said, the look on his face when he saw the photo the doctor showed him of her patient's leision (the one who has since passed away)  like ewwwwwwwwwy.

                    I wonder if what sobered them up was the thought of what they looked like in 20 years from now.  thanks that boosted my day, and maybe now people won't wish to be a snookieized fist pumping prob very nice girl in real life. with a group problem of tanning.

                    I choked when I heard she wished to make sure everyone in america had one in their homes.  Can you imagine.  Like that saying   a chicken in everyones pot.

                    small baby steps but at least if this is indeed real….then baby steps they be.

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