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Forums General Melanoma Community Sunscreen

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      Going on a 10-day Caribbean cruise next month. Any suggestions for the best type of sunscreen to use? Any ingredients better than others? Thanks.
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          Sunscreen should contain one of the following ingredients.  Then the next best thing is making sure you reapply often – sunscreen isn't much good if it isn't on your skin.  I don't have much input on the particular brands – I've used all of them at one time or another and none of them are wonderful in my eyes (I prefer to coverup).

          * Zinc Oxide (physical block)

          * Titanium Dioxide (physical block)

          * Avobenzone (chemical block)

          * Mexoryl (only found in L'Oreal products)


            Sunscreen should contain one of the following ingredients.  Then the next best thing is making sure you reapply often – sunscreen isn't much good if it isn't on your skin.  I don't have much input on the particular brands – I've used all of them at one time or another and none of them are wonderful in my eyes (I prefer to coverup).

            * Zinc Oxide (physical block)

            * Titanium Dioxide (physical block)

            * Avobenzone (chemical block)

            * Mexoryl (only found in L'Oreal products)


              Sunscreen should contain one of the following ingredients.  Then the next best thing is making sure you reapply often – sunscreen isn't much good if it isn't on your skin.  I don't have much input on the particular brands – I've used all of them at one time or another and none of them are wonderful in my eyes (I prefer to coverup).

              * Zinc Oxide (physical block)

              * Titanium Dioxide (physical block)

              * Avobenzone (chemical block)

              * Mexoryl (only found in L'Oreal products)


                I had been using one of the Anthelios sunscreens from L'Oreal that had Mexoryl. Not all of them do. Lately I've been using Philip Thomas Roth Max sheer all day moisturizer defense lotion. It has avobenzone. That one goes on very nicely without feeling like I have sunscreen on my face all day. Both of these are expensive. I also would suggest UPF rated clothing so that the expensive sunscreen only needs to go on your face. As a bonus I feel less fried/tired wearing UPF clothing after a sun-heavy day than I would otherwise.

                Have a great cruise!


                  I had been using one of the Anthelios sunscreens from L'Oreal that had Mexoryl. Not all of them do. Lately I've been using Philip Thomas Roth Max sheer all day moisturizer defense lotion. It has avobenzone. That one goes on very nicely without feeling like I have sunscreen on my face all day. Both of these are expensive. I also would suggest UPF rated clothing so that the expensive sunscreen only needs to go on your face. As a bonus I feel less fried/tired wearing UPF clothing after a sun-heavy day than I would otherwise.

                  Have a great cruise!


                    I had been using one of the Anthelios sunscreens from L'Oreal that had Mexoryl. Not all of them do. Lately I've been using Philip Thomas Roth Max sheer all day moisturizer defense lotion. It has avobenzone. That one goes on very nicely without feeling like I have sunscreen on my face all day. Both of these are expensive. I also would suggest UPF rated clothing so that the expensive sunscreen only needs to go on your face. As a bonus I feel less fried/tired wearing UPF clothing after a sun-heavy day than I would otherwise.

                    Have a great cruise!

                      Thank you!

                          Awhile back there was a place offering these:


                          Soap with SPF built in. I tried it and liked it. Coming from a guy who doesn't know a whole lot about soaps, but even I could feel a difference. 

                          But for me (and probably the rest on this forum), I just avoid those 10-4 hours in the sun. This did put a crimp on my lifestyle as I was (and still am) a pretty active bike rider. You'd see me out on those rides with groups on Saturday and Sunday. Now I just go eary or late in the afternoon. Miss the social aspect but still love riding too much to quit. 

                          Learn to love the shade!.



                            Awhile back there was a place offering these:


                            Soap with SPF built in. I tried it and liked it. Coming from a guy who doesn't know a whole lot about soaps, but even I could feel a difference. 

                            But for me (and probably the rest on this forum), I just avoid those 10-4 hours in the sun. This did put a crimp on my lifestyle as I was (and still am) a pretty active bike rider. You'd see me out on those rides with groups on Saturday and Sunday. Now I just go eary or late in the afternoon. Miss the social aspect but still love riding too much to quit. 

                            Learn to love the shade!.



                              Awhile back there was a place offering these:


                              Soap with SPF built in. I tried it and liked it. Coming from a guy who doesn't know a whole lot about soaps, but even I could feel a difference. 

                              But for me (and probably the rest on this forum), I just avoid those 10-4 hours in the sun. This did put a crimp on my lifestyle as I was (and still am) a pretty active bike rider. You'd see me out on those rides with groups on Saturday and Sunday. Now I just go eary or late in the afternoon. Miss the social aspect but still love riding too much to quit. 

                              Learn to love the shade!.


                              Thank you!
                                Thank you!

                                  My opinion is sunscreen is made up of bad chemicals and when you go into the sun you are baking it into your body.  Plus your skin is the largest organ.

                                  I have been on many Caribbean cruises.  I limit my time in the sun to 10-15 minutes and do this several times a day. I then go in the shade or cover my body with a light fabric, hat or whatever.  If I put anything on my skin it is coconut oil as it is a natural sunscreen.


                                    My opinion is sunscreen is made up of bad chemicals and when you go into the sun you are baking it into your body.  Plus your skin is the largest organ.

                                    I have been on many Caribbean cruises.  I limit my time in the sun to 10-15 minutes and do this several times a day. I then go in the shade or cover my body with a light fabric, hat or whatever.  If I put anything on my skin it is coconut oil as it is a natural sunscreen.


                                      My opinion is sunscreen is made up of bad chemicals and when you go into the sun you are baking it into your body.  Plus your skin is the largest organ.

                                      I have been on many Caribbean cruises.  I limit my time in the sun to 10-15 minutes and do this several times a day. I then go in the shade or cover my body with a light fabric, hat or whatever.  If I put anything on my skin it is coconut oil as it is a natural sunscreen.

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