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Stopping immunotherapy early and worried

Forums General Melanoma Community Stopping immunotherapy early and worried

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      I was on Dab and Tram but progressed and then had 4 ipi/ nivo and  3 single nivo and it has worked , I am currently NED. However, after 3 single nivo it started to affect my healthy liver and pancreas ( also thyroid but that is treatable) My onc thinks it is too risky to my healthy organs to continue.  Very worried about stopping, had anyone had to stop immunotherapy early and stayed stable?
      many thanks!
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        ed williams
          Hi Jackie H, I would point you in the direction of 5 year survival data from checkmate 067 , the phase three trial of ipi+nivo that led to it’s approval back in 2015. Two section of the article published in New England Journal of medicine stand out, first in the “results section” go down to “outcomes after treatment” you will find that in the ipi+nivo group and 74% not receiving subsequent treatment free interval. Second part of article which goes into your question specifically is in “Discussion Section” 5 paragraph that starts ” No new safety signals” goes on to talk about melanoma patients who had to stop early due to IrAE’s (immune related adverse events) like colitis etc. No difference is found between survival of those who had to stop early or who continued. Here is the link.
            Thank you so much Ed! Very reassuring and very kind of you to take the time to reply with the links.
              Sorry you are dealing with this, Jackie.  If it helps, here is my take on basically the same info Ed shared from the CheckMate 069 trial –


              There is also this from 2019 – a retrospective study that looked at folks who had to stop anti-PD1 as a single agent after side effects, found durable benefits –


              Hope this helps.  I wish you my best.  Celeste


                Thank you so much Celeste. Very interesting read. I will try to enjoy not having side effects for awhile!  Really appreciate your message.

                best wishes


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