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Starting ipi/nivo combo on Monday, have had ipi before

Forums General Melanoma Community Starting ipi/nivo combo on Monday, have had ipi before

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      I received insurance approval yesterday for the ipi/nivo combo, even though I've had prior ipi.  I really had no side effects with the ipi before, but I know this time things may be different. I wanted to let folks know options are out there.


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          How did you get insurance approval for this combo when it's not FDA approved yet? I thought you could get it only thru a trial? Please let us know.


              I was initially denied the nivo (which my doc said seems to be standard operating procedure for the insurance companies) and he did a peer to peer review with them.  What was said I don't know.  I'm just glad I have a doctor who fights for me and the decisions we have made together.


                I was initially denied the nivo (which my doc said seems to be standard operating procedure for the insurance companies) and he did a peer to peer review with them.  What was said I don't know.  I'm just glad I have a doctor who fights for me and the decisions we have made together.


                  I was initially denied the nivo (which my doc said seems to be standard operating procedure for the insurance companies) and he did a peer to peer review with them.  What was said I don't know.  I'm just glad I have a doctor who fights for me and the decisions we have made together.


                    The combination is available through expanded access until it's officially FDA-approved (meaning the FDA is allowing people to get the treatment out of compassion since it's effective and their approval process takes forever!). My dad just started and required insurance approval for the ipi, but since the 'combination' is on trial, the nivolumab is being provided at no-cost to him by the study and will be for the duration of the treatment.


                      The combination is available through expanded access until it's officially FDA-approved (meaning the FDA is allowing people to get the treatment out of compassion since it's effective and their approval process takes forever!). My dad just started and required insurance approval for the ipi, but since the 'combination' is on trial, the nivolumab is being provided at no-cost to him by the study and will be for the duration of the treatment.


                        The combination is available through expanded access until it's officially FDA-approved (meaning the FDA is allowing people to get the treatment out of compassion since it's effective and their approval process takes forever!). My dad just started and required insurance approval for the ipi, but since the 'combination' is on trial, the nivolumab is being provided at no-cost to him by the study and will be for the duration of the treatment.


                        How did you get insurance approval for this combo when it's not FDA approved yet? I thought you could get it only thru a trial? Please let us know.


                          How did you get insurance approval for this combo when it's not FDA approved yet? I thought you could get it only thru a trial? Please let us know.


                            When you had ipi before were you a responder? I was a non responder but wondered if trying this as a combo would be worth it.



                                I would say I was a non responder at the time.  My tumors would grow a few mm at each scan, with nothing new popping up.  The last 2 months I have 2 new tumors growing rapidly.  Did I benefit from the ipi or was I a slow grower?  I'm thinking now I probably did get some benefit.  It's hard to say.


                                  I would say I was a non responder at the time.  My tumors would grow a few mm at each scan, with nothing new popping up.  The last 2 months I have 2 new tumors growing rapidly.  Did I benefit from the ipi or was I a slow grower?  I'm thinking now I probably did get some benefit.  It's hard to say.


                                    I would say I was a non responder at the time.  My tumors would grow a few mm at each scan, with nothing new popping up.  The last 2 months I have 2 new tumors growing rapidly.  Did I benefit from the ipi or was I a slow grower?  I'm thinking now I probably did get some benefit.  It's hard to say.


                                    When you had ipi before were you a responder? I was a non responder but wondered if trying this as a combo would be worth it.



                                      When you had ipi before were you a responder? I was a non responder but wondered if trying this as a combo would be worth it.


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