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Stage iii unresectable melanoma and dosage of Keytruda

Forums General Melanoma Community Stage iii unresectable melanoma and dosage of Keytruda

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    Lin P


      My mom was diagnosed with Stage iii melanoma in the Christmas eve.


      Now her state is..


      ● No primary lesion found.

      There was a rash removed 10 years ago. There's a possiblity the rash was the lesion, but no evidence left.


      ● Numerous lymph nodes involved on her neck and shoulder. Oncologist says its unresectable because it's right next to bunch of blood vessels.


      ● She started Keytruda last week, and radiation oncologist will treat the lymph nodes with Tomotheraphy in a week.



      The questions I have is..


      ● Is it common to use lower dosage of Keytruda?

      My mom is receiving 1.5 ml/kg, which is less than the recommended dosage(2 ml/kg)

      I am afraid if it may not be effective enough.


      ● Anyone with unresectable stage iii melanoma?

      If anyone is fighting or have survived unresectable stage iii melanoma, could you share the story, how you were/have been treated?

      ● Is it Okay to take Selenium during radiation theraphy?




      Any help, experience share will be appreciated!




      I'm trying to stay positive but can't stop myself feeling doubt about everything including her medical team. There's NO DOCTOR WITH ENOUGH EXPERIENCE because It is very very rare case to have melanoma in my country. There's no statistics, no patients forum, nothing.


      I feel very lucky that I can read and write English, and to have found here. I am really learning a lot from MRF. Thank you all.

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    • Replies
          First of all, welcome to this forum. Sorry that your family has to deal with this monstrous disease.

          Keytruda is one of the best and newest treatments out there, especially for a stage 3 patient. Most people receive this treatment only at stage 4. It can have very serious side effects so i guess this is the reason that she doesnt’t get it at full dosage since she isn’t stage 4 and thus the lower dose could be already enough to help her. Alway remember that quality of life is cery important, too. Best of luck.

            Lin P

              Thank you for the encouraging words!

              I am sorry for the late reply.

              Thankfully My mom had been on Keytruda for 6 weeks and it reduced 80% of the tumors.

              She switched to Zelboraf and waiting for the next scan to see if it works.

              I wish you and your father all the best.

              Lin P

                Thank you for the encouraging words!

                I am sorry for the late reply.

                Thankfully My mom had been on Keytruda for 6 weeks and it reduced 80% of the tumors.

                She switched to Zelboraf and waiting for the next scan to see if it works.

                I wish you and your father all the best.

                Lin P

                  Thank you for the encouraging words!

                  I am sorry for the late reply.

                  Thankfully My mom had been on Keytruda for 6 weeks and it reduced 80% of the tumors.

                  She switched to Zelboraf and waiting for the next scan to see if it works.

                  I wish you and your father all the best.

                  First of all, welcome to this forum. Sorry that your family has to deal with this monstrous disease.

                  Keytruda is one of the best and newest treatments out there, especially for a stage 3 patient. Most people receive this treatment only at stage 4. It can have very serious side effects so i guess this is the reason that she doesnt’t get it at full dosage since she isn’t stage 4 and thus the lower dose could be already enough to help her. Alway remember that quality of life is cery important, too. Best of luck.

                    First of all, welcome to this forum. Sorry that your family has to deal with this monstrous disease.

                    Keytruda is one of the best and newest treatments out there, especially for a stage 3 patient. Most people receive this treatment only at stage 4. It can have very serious side effects so i guess this is the reason that she doesnt’t get it at full dosage since she isn’t stage 4 and thus the lower dose could be already enough to help her. Alway remember that quality of life is cery important, too. Best of luck.


                      Keytruda (Pembrolizumab) and Opdivo (Nivolumab) are both anti-PD1 products.  Here is some general information that may be helpful:

                      Currently, Keytruda is normally dosed at 2mg (that is milligrams not milliliters) per kilogram of patient's weight through an IV every 3 weeks.  When you do the calculation it may turn out that your mom is actually getting that.  If not, you can always ask her docs.  Opdivo is another anti-PD1 product dosed at 3mg/kg every 2 weeks.

                      However, both of these meds were tested in trials at a variety of doses and at different intervals of administration.  They both worked pretty similarly at all levels tested.  The current dosing was what was settled upon in the end.  For instance, I was in a study with Nivo/Opdivo (from 2010-2013) in which different arms of my trial were given 1mg/kg, or 3mg/kg, or 10mg/kg.  All doses worked at about a 40% response rated.  The folks at 10mg/kg did have more side effects.  I (and my cohort) were given 1mg/kg.  After brain mets and lung mets…I am alive and well with no evidence of disease.

                      There is a lot more information on my blog.  Use the search bubble if you are interested.  I hope this helps and I wish you and your mom well.  Celeste


                        Lin P


                          Thank you very much for the kind and detailed information and your blog. I read it early but could not answer for long since I had been having very hectic time working and caring for my mom. It was very encouraging and I appreciate it!!

                          Fortunately Keytruda worked really well! It reduced the tumor into 1/5 amount within only 6 weeks.
                          Now she is on Zelboraf and we will see if it works.

                          All the best wishes for you!


                          Lin P

                          Lin P


                            Thank you very much for the kind and detailed information and your blog. I read it early but could not answer for long since I had been having very hectic time working and caring for my mom. It was very encouraging and I appreciate it!!

                            Fortunately Keytruda worked really well! It reduced the tumor into 1/5 amount within only 6 weeks.
                            Now she is on Zelboraf and we will see if it works.

                            All the best wishes for you!


                            Lin P

                            Lin P


                              Thank you very much for the kind and detailed information and your blog. I read it early but could not answer for long since I had been having very hectic time working and caring for my mom. It was very encouraging and I appreciate it!!

                              Fortunately Keytruda worked really well! It reduced the tumor into 1/5 amount within only 6 weeks.
                              Now she is on Zelboraf and we will see if it works.

                              All the best wishes for you!


                              Lin P


                              Keytruda (Pembrolizumab) and Opdivo (Nivolumab) are both anti-PD1 products.  Here is some general information that may be helpful:

                              Currently, Keytruda is normally dosed at 2mg (that is milligrams not milliliters) per kilogram of patient's weight through an IV every 3 weeks.  When you do the calculation it may turn out that your mom is actually getting that.  If not, you can always ask her docs.  Opdivo is another anti-PD1 product dosed at 3mg/kg every 2 weeks.

                              However, both of these meds were tested in trials at a variety of doses and at different intervals of administration.  They both worked pretty similarly at all levels tested.  The current dosing was what was settled upon in the end.  For instance, I was in a study with Nivo/Opdivo (from 2010-2013) in which different arms of my trial were given 1mg/kg, or 3mg/kg, or 10mg/kg.  All doses worked at about a 40% response rated.  The folks at 10mg/kg did have more side effects.  I (and my cohort) were given 1mg/kg.  After brain mets and lung mets…I am alive and well with no evidence of disease.

                              There is a lot more information on my blog.  Use the search bubble if you are interested.  I hope this helps and I wish you and your mom well.  Celeste



                                Keytruda (Pembrolizumab) and Opdivo (Nivolumab) are both anti-PD1 products.  Here is some general information that may be helpful:

                                Currently, Keytruda is normally dosed at 2mg (that is milligrams not milliliters) per kilogram of patient's weight through an IV every 3 weeks.  When you do the calculation it may turn out that your mom is actually getting that.  If not, you can always ask her docs.  Opdivo is another anti-PD1 product dosed at 3mg/kg every 2 weeks.

                                However, both of these meds were tested in trials at a variety of doses and at different intervals of administration.  They both worked pretty similarly at all levels tested.  The current dosing was what was settled upon in the end.  For instance, I was in a study with Nivo/Opdivo (from 2010-2013) in which different arms of my trial were given 1mg/kg, or 3mg/kg, or 10mg/kg.  All doses worked at about a 40% response rated.  The folks at 10mg/kg did have more side effects.  I (and my cohort) were given 1mg/kg.  After brain mets and lung mets…I am alive and well with no evidence of disease.

                                There is a lot more information on my blog.  Use the search bubble if you are interested.  I hope this helps and I wish you and your mom well.  Celeste


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