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Stage IIC – what are the options?

Forums General Melanoma Community Stage IIC – what are the options?

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      I was diagnosed in October with melanoma.  The tumor was greater than 4mm deep (T4b) and was ulcerated.  The surgeon was not able to get large margins due to the location.  It would have left me with a permanent colostomy bag.  My sentinel lymph node biopsy did not show any lymph node involvement and my PET scan showed no mets. As I understand that would put me at a Stage IIC.  I am having a hard time figuring out what the treatment options are after the initial tumor removal.  Does anyone have any input?  Thanks in advance.

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        ed williams

          Clinical trial would be your best bet and second choice would be close follow up to check for progression with oncologist. Pretty sure MD Anderson is running some 2c trials of immunotherapy or targeted therapy drugs. Best Wishes!!! Ed


              Thank you!


              Diagnosed 2c in July of 2016, just close follow up with derm and oncologist. (Chest xrays and bloodwork)  Oncologist suggested interferon which I declined. At 2.5  years post diagnosis I now see derm every 6 months. Wishing you well. -Joyce



                  May I ask why you declined interferon?  Just curious.  I see the oncologist again in a few weeks but we do not have an oncologist that specializes in melanoma here.  Hopefully soon, I will be seeing a melanoma-specific oncologist.  It is encouraging to hear you are doing well.

                  Thank you.

                  ed williams

                    Interferon is super toxic and has not show any survival benefit over placebo!!! The only small group who have had any kind of benefit were ulcerated patients and then it was only a small improvement in progression free survival not overall survival. I will take a look and see if I can find some data for you. Who exactly am I talking to any ways???



                      Is there a way to contact you privately?  I am not comfortable having my information out there just yet. 


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