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stage 3 to stage 4

Forums General Melanoma Community stage 3 to stage 4

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      Brand new to the forum.  I have minor chest pain thats months old also with cold-like symtoms.  Does anybody have experience with this before they were diagnosed w/ stage 4?

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          For my lung tumor, I just had an incessant cough…..

          Hope that helps


              It all helps.  wishing you the best.



              Are you saying you've had (I assume) surgery to remove melanoma from your lymph nodes and now you're experience chest pain with cold-like symptoms?

              I had a lymphadectamy to remove nodes in my groin and even follow up in my kidney before a scan revealed that the chestpain I suffered from was cancer spreading to my rib cage (bones), sternum, etc.  I did not have any cold-like symptoms.  My pain was similar to the tightness you get after lifting weights (especially if you just started).  However, I encourage you to do two things: 1) Talk to your doctor and perhaps be persistant about scans and 2) Relax – ymmv and it's really hard to predict similar symptoms.  


                  Thanks JuTMSY4.  Yes, thats what is happening; radical neck dissection 18-months ago and now this.  I see results shortly on a scan just taken.  I've been focused on blood heavy areas for reoccurance (as thats what I've been told; lungs, liver and brain) but I know of course there are many outcomes.  Relaxing is hard but it is unquestionably good advice.  Can I ask; what was your treatment after it spread?


                    After they found cancer elsewhere in my body, I received 4 infusions of Yervoy (Ipilumumab) as immunotherapy and Xgeva (denosomab) for bone growth/assistance.  That greatly reduced my physical symptoms (my bone mets caused tremendous pain in my back, shoulder and chest).  At the time, yervoy was the frontline stage 4 treatment and Keytruda/Opdivo were secondary.

                    After that, scans still showed the cancer in my body, so we moved onto about 2 years of Keytruda (pembrolizumab).  About halfway through that, I was declared NED.  We stopped treatment about a year after NED.  

                    I had a recurrence in my right adrenal gland earlier this year and I'm back on Keytruda for probably a year (we're talking about doing a clinical trial vaccine though).  However, I had scans about 1 month after surgery and just got some new ones back yesterday.  I'm NED again.  


                      Thanks again, that is incredibly helpful.  Your story is of course amazing and encouraging. My scans came back negative and so elated but cannot find a diagnosis for chest pain and ongoing flu-like symptoms. Nonetheless, I will accept as positive. 

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