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Stage 3 and Dabrafenib anad Trametinib

Forums General Melanoma Community Stage 3 and Dabrafenib anad Trametinib

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      Hi everyone, 

      I have gotten some more information and I am being told I'm in stage 3 after having my right lymph nodes have melanoma in them. My PET scan showed some abormal acitivty in my left shoulder now so I will have a minor surgery regarding that tommorow and then a few more scans and then if all goes well they said I can join a clinical trial my doctor said I will have a spot if I get everything done in time. The drugs being given to me are Dabrafenib anad Trametinib and its a form of targetted therapy. This is because of my BRAFT test and I tested postive for BRAFT not entierly sure what that test exactly means. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with these drugs, I am suppose to take both pills each day for a year and I am curious about the side effects.Im still in school so Im hoping I will be okay to finish this year. I feel scared but excited for the ball to get moving and hopeful for the future.

      Thanks for taking the time to read this, 

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