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Stage 1a Oct 2016 now feel a pea size lump……..Please help

Forums General Melanoma Community Stage 1a Oct 2016 now feel a pea size lump……..Please help

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      October 2016 I was diagnosed with Stage 1A .68mm superficial spreading melanoma. Did not have a lymph node biopsied at the time as my derm said wasn't needed with the depth and 0 mitosis and no lympatic invasion present and no ulceration. It was removed near my belt line on my left side near where the groin and torso meet. A month later I still had some pain after the WLE and decided to go have an ultrasound. It came back with a 1.8cm lymph node showing up and that scared me so I went to see Dr Luke. He gave me a pet scan and ct scan and the lymph node didn't show up on the scan and nothing else was seen of any concern. He said it was most likely due to the wle and thats why it puffed up and went away. I also did the decision dx test and it came back that I was in the top half of the best category of it not returning. 

      After about a year I went back and did a lung xray and another ultrasound. The 1.8cm node went down to 1.5 and the xray came back clear. Last night I felt a small pea like bump under the skin but it is on the opposite side where the leg meets my torso. I remember Dr Luke telling me to check the side that had the melanoma because thats where it would drain to not the opposite side. I did have a bad ingrown hair last week that got infected and puffed up but that was also on the same side as my melanoma. Going in to have it checked out. Would it likely be melanoma or possibly something else? Really scary that its down by my groin area but hopeful since its on the other side.

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          I don't think it is likely melanoma, but you are smart to get it checked.  If your doctor is concerned at all, they can do a needle biopsy to determine if it is mel or not.  I have had that done three different times in the past two years.  Really easy and not painful other than the local they inject.  Very smart to get it checked because that is how my came back 8 years after I was stage 1.  I had a lump under my skin near where my SLNB was done.  My oncs have told me that it was a good thing I noticed it and got it checked.  I have progressed since, but it could have been worse.  It is always better to play it safe when it come to this disease because it can be a beast.



              Thanks for the reply Brad. My onclogist said that he thinks its just a tiny ball of fat like a lipoma or something. He said the same thing as I thought that there is no cross section in the groin for it to spread that way. I still asked for a biopsy and that will be done next week.

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