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Stage 0 two and half years ago, now lump in armpit

Forums General Melanoma Community Stage 0 two and half years ago, now lump in armpit

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      Hello, I am in the UK and would like to ask a question. My husband had stage 0 melanoma removed from his leg two and half years ago. This year his health has been a bit off including a 7 week bout of cold/cough/flu type illness.

      I keep an eye on him and use the Internet a lot for guidance. He’s had extensive blood tests to the point where the doctor told him I don’t know what is wrong with you. Basically they can’t find a reason for his low immunity and general malaise.

      I have read about lymphoma but my husband has never discussed this with his doctor. He doesn’t have a lot of the lymphoma symptoms and I am careful not to put things to him that will mess with his head. The main impact of his stage 0 to him has been mental, the whole situation understandably messed with his head. At 50 years old for the first time in his life he was faced with something out of his control.

      The reason for my post is he recently showed me a ‘spot’ under his arm. I carefully felt it and to me it feels like a lump under the skin about 1cm in size. Two days later he still refers to it as a spot which is slightly tender and he is waiting for it to go away…

      I know there will be people out there who share my concerns and I would like to hear from you as he has asked me to respect his decision to wait for a week to see if it goes away. I feel bad now as I feel I have started to push him towards the thoughts that messed his head up last time.

      thanks in advance for your help 

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          Hello, my husband had a lump in his armpit a few years ago. His doctors watched it and did blood tests and even an ultrasound. The Doctor said it was probably nothing but if it bothered him they would remove it and do a biopsy. My husband walked around with this lump for almost nine months before the doctor said he could have it removed if he wanted to! Not such a great doctor. My husband's lump turned out to be melanoma. I would suggest you ask for a biopsy. I am not trying to alarm you, it is probably nothing, maybe just a reaction to the illnesses your husband has been experiencing, but better to know early if it is somthing. Wishing the best for you and your husband.


              Thank you for your response Amie, it helps a lot to hear of other people’s experience with this. I am trying to be vigilant with his health and the dermatologist was really impressed at how quickly we responded to the melanoma on his leg. My husband and I have had another discussion today, he tried to tell me the lump had gone now to prove it was just a spot. Unfortunately I could still feel it and if the only way to know is to request a biopsy I will put this to him also, so thank you for your help. May I ask if your husband had had any previous melanoma or was his lump the first incident?

              thanks again for taking the time to respond, it’s appreciated.


                No, he did not have any previous lesion. He had melanoma of unknown primary.


                  Thank you Amie.


                  I wonder if Fine Needle Aspiration is an option. Less traumatic than a standard biopsy, but useful as a diagnostic tool. Found my most recent melanoma that way. Wishing you and your husband all the best.


                      Thank you for your kind response, this is all a bit of an education so any information helps. I will certainly make a note of this to ask the doctor once I can get him there.  

                      Wishing you all the best too, I am grateful for your help.

                        I also had a lump under my arm. Doctor did the biopsy, and it was melanoma.
                        He should get the biopsy done.
                        Good Luck!

                          Thank you for your comment, I appreciate it.


                          You may be feeling a lymph node under his arm. It may be normal (and you just never noticed it before) or enlarged if he is fighting off a sickness. It could also be Melanoma. No way to know without consulting the doctor! Best of luck!


                              Thank you, it really helps to read people’s comments. He thinks it is a spot but it isn’! There is definitely something small there under the skin and my concern is raised since reading more about melanoma and arm pit lumps given that he has already had one confirmed melanoma removed. 

                              I appreciate your kindness in leaving this comment.


                              Hello, I too had a lump under right arm. Had mammogram and was misdiagnosed with hematoma. Then went for another opinion and after needle biopsy malignant metastatic melanoma. All within one month. Stage 4. Don’t put it off, just find out. 

                              You will both feel sooo much better knowing what you have to deal with.  Load of luck to you.


                                  Thank you for your advice and your good luck wishes. I appreciate you taking the time to share your experience and wish you lots of luck too, thank you again.


                                  Stage 0 melanoma rarely spreads.  Most swollen lymph nodes are not cancer.  Waiting 1 week to see whether that lump shrinks would be reasonable.


                                      I have two lumps one near lymph modes in leg and one on the arm. After getting them examined alongside my three month check the consultant said they were fatty lipomas. He ruled out getting them scanned or biopsied and that is fine with me.
                                      I think here in the UK they are reluctant to do scans and fine needle aspirations if you have not been diagnosed more than Level 3

                                      I was diagnosed with 1B MM in May 2016 and had WLE and SLNB with clear margins

                                      Good luck


                                        Thank you, my concern was more a recurrence than the stage 0 spreading. I do appreciate your response.

                                      A lump – under the skin.  That's how my journey started.  One lump then 7 in under a month.  They gave me the it's just inflammed lymph nodes talk.  You're fine.  Go home and enjoy what's left of the summer.  I had to fight for a biopsy.  While waiting for the results I had a stroke.  

                                      Don't mean to upset you but push for the biopsy.  Better to have it done and get the result back with it's nothing and we have pathology to prove it then to wait and end up with multiple lesions.  I had 27.  Some in my lungs, adrenal glands, kidney, armpit, abdomin, and brain.  I'm doing well now but it was a rough journey.  Better to be safe.  Push for the biopsy.  It really is better to know early.  A lump in the armpit that doesn't resolve in a week or two is cause for concern.

                                      Good wishes to you both,



                                          Thank you Jennifer, your response and your honest means a lot to me. Thank you and I wish you well. I am extremely humbled by the kind responses, thank you again.

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