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Stage 0 , but not fully resolved

Forums General Melanoma Community Stage 0 , but not fully resolved

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      New to this board and am hoping someone can give me some reassurance. It has been a roller coaster ride since January! While I am very very thankful that this was found at Stage 0, I am very scared regarding these "atypical" cells still present in a small area.

      Was diagnosed late Dec 2014 with melanoma Stage 0 left foreram and told by my dermatologist of many years not to worry, caught very early,very thin etc. I am 60 years old and otherwise in very good health.

      On Jan 12 he did an excision and I thought all was resolved. Pathology rept came back showing a small amt of melanoma remaining in part of margin. On Jan 24, had a second excision…again told all s/b complete. Pathology came back showing some "atypical cells" in part of margin. He said we could :

      1.use Aldara cream in the area for several weeks, 2. watch carefuilly and do nothing unless change was seen or 3 have another excision by dermatologic surgeon in his office. After much condsideration I decided the only way to be fully over this awfulness was to go for a 3rd excision. That was on March 4. Procedure went fine, healing very well, stitches out on Wed…and path report shows

      "Multiple deeper sections were examined and the case was discussed with the referring physician..In blocks 6,7, and 8 only, at the black inked lateral margin only, there are increased numbers of single juntional melanocytes immediately adjacent to, and focally overlying the scar. Melan-A stain, performed w appropriate controls reveals increased junctional melanocytes w scattered pagetoid spread and follicular extension at the black inked lateral margin of these three blocks only. After discussion w the clinician, Melan A stain was performed on most of the other blocks and fails to reveal increased junctional melanocytes either overlying, adjacent to, or away from the scar. Therefor it is very unlikely that the melanocytic proliferation in blocks 6,7, and 8 represents a background change, a reaction to chronic sun exposure or a reaction to wound healing. It is likely this proliferation is residual atypical melanocytic lesion"

      The surgeon has now referred me to Yale for their opinion on next step needed, if any.  Having lost a brother to cancer at 51 (multiple myeloma), I am petrified at the thought of any type of cancer. My Dad had a Stage 0 abt 20 years ago..he will soon be 85 so that calms me a bit 🙂 

      Just don't know how worried I should be abt this. I tend to be a worrier and am trying to keep this in perspective. Want to be sure to take correct steps now so that I can move on. Thank you for any experience you can share

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          I might ask for another larger excision that might lead to a skin graft. But if you are stage 0, why would you knowingly leave anything?  Just my opinion.  Good luck to you.  


            I might ask for another larger excision that might lead to a skin graft. But if you are stage 0, why would you knowingly leave anything?  Just my opinion.  Good luck to you.  


              I might ask for another larger excision that might lead to a skin graft. But if you are stage 0, why would you knowingly leave anything?  Just my opinion.  Good luck to you.  

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