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Spot under nail for weeks, hasnt moved

Forums General Melanoma Community Spot under nail for weeks, hasnt moved

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      I wasnt worried til today… Its been about a month sunce ive noticed this spot… Ive tried scraping it away, cutting my nails short as they’ll go trying to get rid of this spot… It hasnt grown out or anything…it just simply looks like a freckle but it isn’t, its not all brown.. And I have a problem with letting my toe nails grow long, so I see them at least once a week up close and personal… This spot is fairly new… Ill give it two more weeks and if it hasnt moved ill call my doctor…. Anyone else ever have this? I have a pic, just cant post it here
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    • Replies

          Most likely it will turn out to be nothing but if something worries you my thoughts are have it checked out. 


            "Changing" is a red flag – means it should be BIOPSIED.  It doesn't mean it is melanoma.  You are just looking for those lesions that show higher risk to biopsy.  I've had changing lesions NOT be melanoma.  Relax until you really have some reason to stress – chances are it is nothing.  And if it is melanoma, it's likely caught extremely early.


                Apparently I was more asleep than I thought last night, this reply was supposed to be on another post.

                As for this post, remember that even 6 weeks is a short time for something to grow out far in a toenail.  Hoping for the best!


                I had this.  All advice is good.  I'd set up an appointment now.  My podiatrist said that the odds of seeing one are pretty tiny, but he was very persistant in getting it checked out (he was right!).  

                However, most cases will prove to be a bruise or freckle or something else.  Appointments take a while, so get one on the schedule now and get in there.  Best case is peace of mind, worst case is a headstart or taking care of it!

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