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So, if you were to have superpower skills, what would you choose?

Forums General Melanoma Community So, if you were to have superpower skills, what would you choose?

  • This topic has 20 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by jag.
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      Flying? Invisibility? Superhuman Strength?

      Flying? Invisibility? Superhuman Strength?

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          Good, fun question!  I just finished reading The TIme Traveler's WIfe, so I think that would be my super power of choice.  BUT, I would want to be able to time travel at will.

          Take good care, K.

          Bonnie Lea

            live long and prosper!  or if that fails, then I will choose to fly (without a passport)wink


              Flying, without a doubt. Not too worried about repelling bullets or needing superhuman strength.


                Clearly invisibility so I could just wander around looking at all my hot neighbors naked without their knowledge. Now it's true that I don't actually have any hot neighbors, but if I had the power of invisibility I think I'd make a special effort to move to wherever it is that the hot neighbors reside. And I'm pretty sure I could afford it, what since I could always just rob them blind while I'm invisibly watching them naked and all.

                I seriously think that this invisibility thing could be a decent little gig.



                    Watch out, Yawn might get angry if you end up crimping his style.


                      Watch out, Yawn might get angry if you end up crimping his style.


                        How many women can you possibly see naked? It would get boring– the good ones wouldn't be special after the first few hundred or so  and the bad ones would give you nightmares.


                        I would need more than one superpower…I want to read minds, heal/invincibility and the power to touch others and give them my powers ( if I choose).  It would also help if I could have the regular human power of concentration…my wondering mind is one of the reasons I'm convinced I would never be able to hold a REAL job year after year. Oh and memory…I need a little bit of short and long term memory—I would forget I had superpowers and all that mind reading/healing and touching would scare the hell out of me over and over again ( another reason I was never meant to work- I can't remember a darn thing long term !)


                        If you had the power to touch others and convey eternal life and health… think how many women would OFFER to show you their nakedness!  Your choice was very short-sighted πŸ˜‰


                          I'm proud of you Rock Tin.  I got this idea from a recent episode of this American Life, and one thing they pointed out was how few people wanted to use their superpowers to help other people.  This whole topic is another Rorschacthtest.  So far you are the only one who has even mentioned this idea.  I hadn'tevn  thought of it to be honest.  Personally, I would like the Superpower of Jillian MIchaels to lose weight, get my spouse superfit, as well as insulting Dencolt with my superior knowledge.  They go through the stages of superpowers.  First people would chose one, then they negotiate the terms of their superpowers (i.e. will my clothes be invisible?, can I turn things invisible?, how much can I carry if  I am able to fly? After that either they choose another one or stick with the original.   Few people think of the superhero aspect of superpowers.  I am pleasantly surprised.

                          Totally thought you were going to pick something like supermom, super shoe shopper, or super casserole maker.

                          I deem thee off-topic wonderwoman.  

                          You are right about Fountainhead's idea too, total waste of a superpower when there are sites like pornhub.


                            Off-topic Wonder woman? I know I am  but what are you?

                            Seriously, why pick the superpowers I already posses…super mom, super shoe shopper and SUPER CASSEROLE MAKER!!!  Duh.

                            (I'd heal ya).


                              Off-topic Wonder woman? I know I am  but what are you?

                              Seriously, why pick the superpowers I already posses…super mom, super shoe shopper and SUPER CASSEROLE MAKER!!!  Duh.

                              (I'd heal ya).


                                I'm proud of you Rock Tin.  I got this idea from a recent episode of this American Life, and one thing they pointed out was how few people wanted to use their superpowers to help other people.  This whole topic is another Rorschacthtest.  So far you are the only one who has even mentioned this idea.  I hadn'tevn  thought of it to be honest.  Personally, I would like the Superpower of Jillian MIchaels to lose weight, get my spouse superfit, as well as insulting Dencolt with my superior knowledge.  They go through the stages of superpowers.  First people would chose one, then they negotiate the terms of their superpowers (i.e. will my clothes be invisible?, can I turn things invisible?, how much can I carry if  I am able to fly? After that either they choose another one or stick with the original.   Few people think of the superhero aspect of superpowers.  I am pleasantly surprised.

                                Totally thought you were going to pick something like supermom, super shoe shopper, or super casserole maker.

                                I deem thee off-topic wonderwoman.  

                                You are right about Fountainhead's idea too, total waste of a superpower when there are sites like pornhub.


                                  How many women can you possibly see naked? It would get boring– the good ones wouldn't be special after the first few hundred or so  and the bad ones would give you nightmares.


                                  I would need more than one superpower…I want to read minds, heal/invincibility and the power to touch others and give them my powers ( if I choose).  It would also help if I could have the regular human power of concentration…my wondering mind is one of the reasons I'm convinced I would never be able to hold a REAL job year after year. Oh and memory…I need a little bit of short and long term memory—I would forget I had superpowers and all that mind reading/healing and touching would scare the hell out of me over and over again ( another reason I was never meant to work- I can't remember a darn thing long term !)


                                  If you had the power to touch others and convey eternal life and health… think how many women would OFFER to show you their nakedness!  Your choice was very short-sighted πŸ˜‰

                                dian in spokane

                                  to hell with superpowers. If you watch movies, you must know that these superpowers always lead to some kind of disaster.

                                  I SIMPLY want SOMEONE to invent that friggin' transporter.

                                  Flying?? I want to be able to twitch my nose and BE in hawaii without having to wait in an airport 2 hours, then fly 5 hours then  hop on some tiny, wretched, shaking airplane. I want to punch a button and rematerialize on the beach in Kauai.

                                  It seems to me that MOST of the cool gadgets on Star Trek have gone on to be invented by someone. So someone needs to get on that transporter.



                                  dian in spokane

                                    to hell with superpowers. If you watch movies, you must know that these superpowers always lead to some kind of disaster.

                                    I SIMPLY want SOMEONE to invent that friggin' transporter.

                                    Flying?? I want to be able to twitch my nose and BE in hawaii without having to wait in an airport 2 hours, then fly 5 hours then  hop on some tiny, wretched, shaking airplane. I want to punch a button and rematerialize on the beach in Kauai.

                                    It seems to me that MOST of the cool gadgets on Star Trek have gone on to be invented by someone. So someone needs to get on that transporter.




                                      I do have dreams that I can fly…had 'em since I was 16 years old.  That is about the time I noticed that I also smell stuff.

                                      Flying dreams are really fun…smelling dreams can be hit or miss.

                                      I once rescued a lost dog in a flying dream…does that make the Rorschach cut?  It was a neighbor dog who in real life came to our fence gate the next morning for me to take him home.  (he was running away in a field  toward a highway in my dream)  He had jumped his own fence and made a break for it.  Still kinda freaked out by it…

                                      Take good care, K.


                                          I don't know much about superpowers and dreams, but as far as I am concerned, if you see the doggy running towards the light, especially after anesthesia in a situation where you can look down and see everybody performing CPR on your body, don't follow. 


                                            I don't know much about superpowers and dreams, but as far as I am concerned, if you see the doggy running towards the light, especially after anesthesia in a situation where you can look down and see everybody performing CPR on your body, don't follow. 


                                            I do have dreams that I can fly…had 'em since I was 16 years old.  That is about the time I noticed that I also smell stuff.

                                            Flying dreams are really fun…smelling dreams can be hit or miss.

                                            I once rescued a lost dog in a flying dream…does that make the Rorschach cut?  It was a neighbor dog who in real life came to our fence gate the next morning for me to take him home.  (he was running away in a field  toward a highway in my dream)  He had jumped his own fence and made a break for it.  Still kinda freaked out by it…

                                            Take good care, K.


                                              I bet FH was practicing his invisibility skills when he stole all that money from the lady at Costco's πŸ˜‰ 


                                              Someone needs to let him know, however, that simply closing his eyes really really tight so he won't be seen only worked when we were kids πŸ™‚


                                                I bet FH was practicing his invisibility skills when he stole all that money from the lady at Costco's πŸ˜‰ 


                                                Someone needs to let him know, however, that simply closing his eyes really really tight so he won't be seen only worked when we were kids πŸ™‚

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