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slightly neurotic

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community slightly neurotic

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      I had an early stage melanoma back in May–surgically excised, clear margins, no further treatment. At the wide excision, I had the surgeon look at 3 other things- she biopsied 2- came back atypical but not melanoma-fully excised, have one more appointment to do a slight wider excision on one. I have always gone to derm every 6 months for full body checks. My next appointment with him is in October. I just had one in June, after my melanoma and he took a mole off of my side (again, atypical, not melanoma). Here’s the thing, now almost every day I see something on my arm, leg, etc and I think “it’s melanoma” which I rationally know is crazy- and I also know that I will have him look at everything again in October- I have my husband check out my back, etc. I am always vigilant with my health, but this is making me a little crazy– is this normal????
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          What you are describing is very normal and it gets easier with time. I find taking photos of anything I’m worried about for a record really helps so I can go back and check later on to see if it’s changed. This helps but you still need to avoid poking anything new which will make it get bigger. It’s a vicious cycle but try to relax and think about things as rationally as you can
          Best wishes
            I am sorry you are going through this. I think it is normal. You’ve had a life changing experience not long ago, of course it is natural to feel anxious that it may happen again. I am no stranger to skin anxiety myself. I’ve had full body pictures done 4 years ago, now if I feel that something is changing or growing, I go back and check them. They saved me a lot of undue anxiety and dermatology visits. Perhaps this is something that you may consider doing as well. I wish you all the best!
              So sorry you have to be in this group, but I agree with Mark and Ellie, this is normal once you have heard the words melanoma in any context. This is kind of a new normal. I’m prone to anxiety (had panic disorder pretty severely in my 20’s) and I’m not the melanoma patient, my husband is, I think like the others say it will get better with time as you naturally keep living and get further out from this and excellent news that they caught it early, that is HUGE and maybe the statistics will be comforting to you (most people will never deal with it again after early stage melanoma removal). I remember thinking I had advanced melanoma on my back after my husband’s diagnosis and was convinced last year something on my arm was possibly early stage. I was really transferring my worry about my husband to myself in a way. It’s hard not to worry after you have actually had something real happen. If it doesn’t get better, can always get support in various ways (online forum like this one, counseling, other support groups etc). Many hugs! Jackie
                Momand2Kids! Your right where you need to be, PROACTIVE! if it comes off a bit nuerotic so what! Id rather know your overly worried then avoiding derm doc visits cuz a lotta folks do! Keep up the scanning over yer body, cracks & crevices, under feet, under boobs look at all your 20 nails (take the nail Polish/paint off every now & then to look!) Your gunna be fine, i just know it…take pics like our brother said earlier!…..
                    Thanks all– making me feel better– I found a mole on my stomach-has been there my whole life-now all of a sudden I think it looks different –but I will be at derm next week for a wider excision- so will just have them look. Some have mentioned all body pics to use for comparison–is this something that is done by derm? I would love to know more about how to do that since I now have to be hyper vigilant!!!
                    I greatly appreciate the encourgement and the good statistics…..
                      I should also add I have a colonoscopy tomorrow and my oncology visit for breast cancer in 2008 on Friday–I am on high alert all around!!!!
                        Hi! I had pictures taken of my whole body. It was called ‘mole mapping’ . My regular dermatologist does not do this. I went to a university who’s dermatology department does it. It was not covered by insurance but it was worth it to me as I am stage 3 (my dermatologist recommended this as I am also fair skinned , lots of moles, and most of my mole are irregularly shaped). They recommended I come back every 6-12 months to have it done. The next time I go the computer will compare my skin/moles to the first set of pictures I had done and also their dermatologist will compare and check the computers findings. I will say this is not a perfect science because I know it didn’t get the moles on the back of my ears, the one hiding at the top of my butt crack..ha!..and probably the ones under my boobs..ha. But I felt like it was something I needed to do to help my piece of mind and one more set of eyes or two checking my skin!
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