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Sister got biopsy results, waiting for next stage (sister) extremely anxious

Forums General Melanoma Community Sister got biopsy results, waiting for next stage (sister) extremely anxious

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      Hi everyone. My sister got a biopsy in January for a pinky crusty growth that developed on her upper inner thigh near her groin. It came back positive for melanoma but she didn’t get much information other than ‘wait on surgery’. She has to be ready to go in and get a larger section cut off and get a lymph nodes biopsy to check for spread.
      I’m making myself sick with worry and fear. We found this all out on Thursday but we have no other information as no-one has been in touch since. I don’t know the thickness, the type etc. I don’t know how long she has had it. I know at least since October? But then she thinks it was a small growth last year in April so this is worrying me because I know timeliness of diagnosis is crucial.
      I keep coming across horror stories on Google and I’m terrified. I don’t want to lose my sister. I wish it was me rather than her going through this 😭

      I don’t know what I’m hoping to achieve posting this but I’m losing my mind


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        ed williams
          Hi K, until you get biopsy information no sense getting worried. If they want to take sentinel nodes then the depth of biopsy had to be enough to trigger further exploration. Aim at Melanoma and MRF (this site) both have very good information pages for staging that will explain the process of staging the biopsy and proper follow up depending on depth.
          ed williams
            K, here is link to MRF site for cutaneous melanoma staging. The process is sometimes hard to follow, but basics are if no melanoma found in nodes then based on depth it will be stage 2, if nodes are positive then there are 4 levels of being stage 3. 3a, 3b,3c,3D. Each stage level has specific definition based on pathology report and how things looked under the microscope and if local lymph nodes were found to be positive for melanoma or not. Good luck with the process and do not be afraid to ask questions.
                Thanks for info, I just need some words of encouragement during a scary time. She has been through her wle and node biopsy, we await results still, it’s been about 3 weeks now. She is BrAf negative
                Depending on the depth of the melanoma, more tissue is taken at the surgical site and the lymph nodes. This helps in determining stage and treatment. If fairly superficial, no further treatment. If more advanced, scans and immunotherapy are likely next steps.

                The surgical process seems awful in the moment but. You’d be surprised how well things often scar .

                    Thank you, still awaiting her results from her WLE and node biopsy now x
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