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Side Effects Of CT?

Forums General Melanoma Community Side Effects Of CT?

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      I just had my yearly CT scan done yesterday, but all day today I have felt very nauseous and have had a headache. I don’t remember feeling like this last time but is it possible it could be from the dye?
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          Possible , I know my mother can't have scans with contrast as it makes her nauseous as well


            Possible , I know my mother can't have scans with contrast as it makes her nauseous as well


              Possible , I know my mother can't have scans with contrast as it makes her nauseous as well


                Between the tracer and the barium, I never feel great after.  It always makes me run to the bathroom about 2 hours later.  You also should drink a lot of water to help pass it.  


                  Between the tracer and the barium, I never feel great after.  It always makes me run to the bathroom about 2 hours later.  You also should drink a lot of water to help pass it.  


                    Between the tracer and the barium, I never feel great after.  It always makes me run to the bathroom about 2 hours later.  You also should drink a lot of water to help pass it.  



                      My husband gets projectile vomiting in the car on the way home and it is only about 20 minutes or so after the scan.

                      Judy (loving wife of Gene Stage IV, IPI and GMCSF Clinical Trial and NED for over 4 years)



                        My husband gets projectile vomiting in the car on the way home and it is only about 20 minutes or so after the scan.

                        Judy (loving wife of Gene Stage IV, IPI and GMCSF Clinical Trial and NED for over 4 years)



                          My husband gets projectile vomiting in the car on the way home and it is only about 20 minutes or so after the scan.

                          Judy (loving wife of Gene Stage IV, IPI and GMCSF Clinical Trial and NED for over 4 years)

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