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      Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. (BMY) Chief Executive Officer Lamberto Andreotti received a 27 percent increase in total compensation after a new skin cancer drug gained approval and contributed to higher sales and profits.

      Andreotti’s total compensation rose to $14.9 million in 2011 from $11.8 million a year earlier, according to a regulatory filing. The pay included a bonus of $4.2 million related to the company’s financial results, share price increase and the start of sales for the melanoma drug Yervoy, according to the filing. Andreotti also received an 11 percent base salary increase to $1.5 million effective April 1, 2011, “to bring him closer to competitive market levels,” the company said in the filing.

      The higher pay for Andreotti reflected, among other things, his leadership in “delivering the strong 2011 financial results” such as annual earnings per share of $2.28 that exceeded a target of $2.14 a share and “executing the Yervoy launch,” the company said in the March 9 filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

      Bristol-Myers loses patent exclusivity on its best-selling drug Plavix later this year. It is counting on new drugs such as Yervoy to replace the expected reduction in revenue. The melanoma treatment was approved in March 2011 and generated $360 million in sales last year. Bristol-Myers in January agreed to purchase Inhibitex Inc. for $2.5 billion to gain its hepatitis C drug as part of its “string of pearls” strategy to develop new products through acquisitions.

      The New York-based drugmaker also ended a one-year salary freeze for all employees in 2011, the company said in the filing.

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    • Replies
        jim Breitfeller

          jim Breitfeller

            jim Breitfeller


                  Ha! Ha! May Lamberto get stage 4 mel…and get a taste of his own (expensive medicine)



                    I wouldn't wish MEL on ANYBODY!!! What goes around comes around.


                      naw, it ain't true what comes around so stop your california dreamin,,,,just look at all the crap bad guys in history did AND got away with it along with bags of money -quit repeating an old wives tale that keeps us from doing what should be done because we are scared of fictitious boogeymen.-i'm stage 4 so what do i have to be scared of anymore? i can say and do ANYTHING now…i can be heroic or be a dum-as…doesn't matter…and you'd be pissed at this guy too if your insurance company denied treatment because of the ridiculous price tags…not to mention making money of desperate people who were HEROS going through clinical trials…where is thier bags of money? oh…can't take it with you…sorry

                      but, let's get serious…what Lamberto has to understand is that it is ok to be greedy, but overstepping is going to cost big pharma…big time…because then, reformists are going to point fingers and  rein it in and then there will be no new drugs for us…



                        naw, it ain't true what comes around so stop your california dreamin,,,,just look at all the crap bad guys in history did AND got away with it along with bags of money -quit repeating an old wives tale that keeps us from doing what should be done because we are scared of fictitious boogeymen.-i'm stage 4 so what do i have to be scared of anymore? i can say and do ANYTHING now…i can be heroic or be a dum-as…doesn't matter…and you'd be pissed at this guy too if your insurance company denied treatment because of the ridiculous price tags…not to mention making money of desperate people who were HEROS going through clinical trials…where is thier bags of money? oh…can't take it with you…sorry

                        but, let's get serious…what Lamberto has to understand is that it is ok to be greedy, but overstepping is going to cost big pharma…big time…because then, reformists are going to point fingers and  rein it in and then there will be no new drugs for us…



                          naw, it ain't true what comes around so stop your california dreamin,,,,just look at all the crap bad guys in history did AND got away with it along with bags of money -quit repeating an old wives tale that keeps us from doing what should be done because we are scared of fictitious boogeymen.-i'm stage 4 so what do i have to be scared of anymore? i can say and do ANYTHING now…i can be heroic or be a dum-as…doesn't matter…and you'd be pissed at this guy too if your insurance company denied treatment because of the ridiculous price tags…not to mention making money of desperate people who were HEROS going through clinical trials…where is thier bags of money? oh…can't take it with you…sorry

                          but, let's get serious…what Lamberto has to understand is that it is ok to be greedy, but overstepping is going to cost big pharma…big time…because then, reformists are going to point fingers and  rein it in and then there will be no new drugs for us…



                            I wouldn't wish MEL on ANYBODY!!! What goes around comes around.


                              I wouldn't wish MEL on ANYBODY!!! What goes around comes around.


                                Ha! Ha! May Lamberto get stage 4 mel…and get a taste of his own (expensive medicine)



                                  Ha! Ha! May Lamberto get stage 4 mel…and get a taste of his own (expensive medicine)



                                  Now, now, aren't we being a little hard on a man who can't manage to live on an $11.8 million salary and needed a $3.1 million increase to make ends meet? cheeky


                                  Their greed never ceases to amaze me.


                                    Now, now, aren't we being a little hard on a man who can't manage to live on an $11.8 million salary and needed a $3.1 million increase to make ends meet? cheeky


                                    Their greed never ceases to amaze me.


                                        This is a double edged sword…  it stinks that these guys get paid SO much money…  but on the other hand its motivation for them to do more research and testing.  


                                          This is a double edged sword…  it stinks that these guys get paid SO much money…  but on the other hand its motivation for them to do more research and testing.  


                                            doesn't this guy look straight up mob boss? gad, he even looks as SLEEZY as his wallet size…look at him smirking all the way to the bank…HE is going to cause the feds to step on big pharma big time because of his crummy outrageous greed and you know what that means…no more new drugs…think about it…how many pharma companies have merged recently? and when did a great Mel new drug come from outside the US?


                                              doesn't this guy look straight up mob boss? gad, he even looks as SLEEZY as his wallet size…look at him smirking all the way to the bank…HE is going to cause the feds to step on big pharma big time because of his crummy outrageous greed and you know what that means…no more new drugs…think about it…how many pharma companies have merged recently? and when did a great Mel new drug come from outside the US?


                                                doesn't this guy look straight up mob boss? gad, he even looks as SLEEZY as his wallet size…look at him smirking all the way to the bank…HE is going to cause the feds to step on big pharma big time because of his crummy outrageous greed and you know what that means…no more new drugs…think about it…how many pharma companies have merged recently? and when did a great Mel new drug come from outside the US?


                                                  This is a double edged sword…  it stinks that these guys get paid SO much money…  but on the other hand its motivation for them to do more research and testing.  


                                                  Now, now, aren't we being a little hard on a man who can't manage to live on an $11.8 million salary and needed a $3.1 million increase to make ends meet? cheeky


                                                  Their greed never ceases to amaze me.

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