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Sequential nivo then ipi = ORR of 41%. Ipi then nivo = 20%!!!

Forums General Melanoma Community Sequential nivo then ipi = ORR of 41%. Ipi then nivo = 20%!!!

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      As Weber alluded to in the webinar included in my last post…the synopsis thus far, of the CheckMate 064 trial with sequential Ipi followed by Nivo vs Nivo followed by Ipi was put out today at the 2015 European Cancer Congress.

      Here is a post I put up that includes the abstract as well as a link to a report from OncLive.
      All I can say is….Here's to the ratties.  We owe you a debt of gratitude that we will never be able to repay.
      And……FDA…..Are you listening???????
      My best to you all.  Celeste
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          Thanks as always for your posts!  Your work is very much appreciated!



            Thanks as always for your posts!  Your work is very much appreciated!



              Thanks as always for your posts!  Your work is very much appreciated!



                Impressive!  This finding bears replication, of course, but it certainly says a lot about the FDA-sanctioned standards of treatment (ipi first).

                My first thought is that I wonder how these results would compare to nivo alone.  I suspect the nivo-first advantage relates to getting the more effective drug sooner, when it can do more good.  Just a hunch.


                    Nivo alone has a 40-45% response rate…slightly higher in PD-L1 positive patients. The post I put up addressing combination therapies breaks it all down. C


                      Nivo alone has a 40-45% response rate…slightly higher in PD-L1 positive patients. The post I put up addressing combination therapies breaks it all down. C


                        Nivo alone has a 40-45% response rate…slightly higher in PD-L1 positive patients. The post I put up addressing combination therapies breaks it all down. C


                        Impressive!  This finding bears replication, of course, but it certainly says a lot about the FDA-sanctioned standards of treatment (ipi first).

                        My first thought is that I wonder how these results would compare to nivo alone.  I suspect the nivo-first advantage relates to getting the more effective drug sooner, when it can do more good.  Just a hunch.


                          Impressive!  This finding bears replication, of course, but it certainly says a lot about the FDA-sanctioned standards of treatment (ipi first).

                          My first thought is that I wonder how these results would compare to nivo alone.  I suspect the nivo-first advantage relates to getting the more effective drug sooner, when it can do more good.  Just a hunch.

                          ed williams

                            Thanks for posting Celeste!!! This was a phase 2 trial of 160 patients which means a larger phase 3 trial will follow!!! The one thing that Melanoma continues to produce is ratties for big pharma Celeste, for at least the near future. My "mouse" study (checkmate 67) ends for me in January 2016 and I am sure that the data will support using Nivolumab first and the Nivo/Ipi combo as the standand for those who are healthy enough to tolerate the higher % chance of side effects that comes with the combo. Take care Ed!!!

                            ed williams

                              Thanks for posting Celeste!!! This was a phase 2 trial of 160 patients which means a larger phase 3 trial will follow!!! The one thing that Melanoma continues to produce is ratties for big pharma Celeste, for at least the near future. My "mouse" study (checkmate 67) ends for me in January 2016 and I am sure that the data will support using Nivolumab first and the Nivo/Ipi combo as the standand for those who are healthy enough to tolerate the higher % chance of side effects that comes with the combo. Take care Ed!!!

                              ed williams

                                Thanks for posting Celeste!!! This was a phase 2 trial of 160 patients which means a larger phase 3 trial will follow!!! The one thing that Melanoma continues to produce is ratties for big pharma Celeste, for at least the near future. My "mouse" study (checkmate 67) ends for me in January 2016 and I am sure that the data will support using Nivolumab first and the Nivo/Ipi combo as the standand for those who are healthy enough to tolerate the higher % chance of side effects that comes with the combo. Take care Ed!!!

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