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Second Ipi done now diarrhea

Forums General Melanoma Community Second Ipi done now diarrhea

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      I had my 2nd dose on 2/11 and am now having frequent diarrhea , taking OTC Imodium helping some. I do have a script but the doc said not to start it until it is not controlled by the Immodium. She explained that you still take the Immodium and the script along with it. She did say to watch it carefully because it can progress very fast and lead to dehydration

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          I'm glad that your doctor warned you to be careful about diarrhea. Not only can it lead to dehydration, but it can lead to colitis which can be very bad. My brother's doctor told him to increase the Immodium to the maximum dose on the Immodium label. If he still had diarrhea, call for a prescription. Since you already have a prescription, it sounds like your doctor is on top of things. I hope and expect the Immodium alone will work for you.


            I'm glad that your doctor warned you to be careful about diarrhea. Not only can it lead to dehydration, but it can lead to colitis which can be very bad. My brother's doctor told him to increase the Immodium to the maximum dose on the Immodium label. If he still had diarrhea, call for a prescription. Since you already have a prescription, it sounds like your doctor is on top of things. I hope and expect the Immodium alone will work for you.


              I'm glad that your doctor warned you to be careful about diarrhea. Not only can it lead to dehydration, but it can lead to colitis which can be very bad. My brother's doctor told him to increase the Immodium to the maximum dose on the Immodium label. If he still had diarrhea, call for a prescription. Since you already have a prescription, it sounds like your doctor is on top of things. I hope and expect the Immodium alone will work for you.

              Marianne quinn

                My husband had his 3 rd dose of 10 mg. ipi on 2/12. Doing ok. After 2nd dose, he had some GI issues. Immodium helped as well as diet. What really has helped is taking Benadryl every day. The GI issues have settled down . The GI issues started up when he had stopped taking the Benadryl  for the itching. He is avoiding spicy foods. He went from whole grain bread to whie and is eating white rice. No seeds' nuts, popcorn. 


                    Keep a log of your bowel movements.  It may sound gross but since my first infusion the end of July 2013, I've had to fill out a chart: date, time, consistency, color, blood present?, mucous present?, and a rating scale.  If you are in a clinical trial (E1609) you probably have this chart.  I had diarrhea 2 weeks after my second (August 2013) and last, 3 mg/Kg body mass, infusion.  Prednisone slowed things down but not completely.  A temperature of 100.5 F brought me to the ER.  I was in the hospital 5 days.  A colonoscopy gave me a diagnosis of  ipi induced colitis.  Back home on prednisone.  Two weeks later I was back in the ER.  Massive rectal bleeding.  (Was the presnidone reduced too quickly?  Who knows?)  24 days in hospital in the Intermediate Care Unit.  Two infusions of infelximab (Remicade), nine units of blood transfusions, massive doses of prednisone (120 mg/day), orthostatic hypotension, adrenal gland shutdown due to prednisone, synthetic adrenal corticoid and mineral steroids, physical therapy when I came home. Still on colitis diet,  ACTH test in March.  Still on medications four months after discharge from hospital. Down to 5 mg prednisone/day.   All this after only two 3 mg/Kg infusions of ipilimumab!  Every person is different.  When is doubt call your oncologist or the oncologist on call if not during office hours.  The oncology fellow on call saved my sanity and possibly my life.  Remember it's better to feel foolish in the doctor's office or the ER and being sent home.  I did not hesitate to seek help.  I try not to think what might have happened it I "didn't want to bother anyone"!


                      Keep a log of your bowel movements.  It may sound gross but since my first infusion the end of July 2013, I've had to fill out a chart: date, time, consistency, color, blood present?, mucous present?, and a rating scale.  If you are in a clinical trial (E1609) you probably have this chart.  I had diarrhea 2 weeks after my second (August 2013) and last, 3 mg/Kg body mass, infusion.  Prednisone slowed things down but not completely.  A temperature of 100.5 F brought me to the ER.  I was in the hospital 5 days.  A colonoscopy gave me a diagnosis of  ipi induced colitis.  Back home on prednisone.  Two weeks later I was back in the ER.  Massive rectal bleeding.  (Was the presnidone reduced too quickly?  Who knows?)  24 days in hospital in the Intermediate Care Unit.  Two infusions of infelximab (Remicade), nine units of blood transfusions, massive doses of prednisone (120 mg/day), orthostatic hypotension, adrenal gland shutdown due to prednisone, synthetic adrenal corticoid and mineral steroids, physical therapy when I came home. Still on colitis diet,  ACTH test in March.  Still on medications four months after discharge from hospital. Down to 5 mg prednisone/day.   All this after only two 3 mg/Kg infusions of ipilimumab!  Every person is different.  When is doubt call your oncologist or the oncologist on call if not during office hours.  The oncology fellow on call saved my sanity and possibly my life.  Remember it's better to feel foolish in the doctor's office or the ER and being sent home.  I did not hesitate to seek help.  I try not to think what might have happened it I "didn't want to bother anyone"!


                        Keep a log of your bowel movements.  It may sound gross but since my first infusion the end of July 2013, I've had to fill out a chart: date, time, consistency, color, blood present?, mucous present?, and a rating scale.  If you are in a clinical trial (E1609) you probably have this chart.  I had diarrhea 2 weeks after my second (August 2013) and last, 3 mg/Kg body mass, infusion.  Prednisone slowed things down but not completely.  A temperature of 100.5 F brought me to the ER.  I was in the hospital 5 days.  A colonoscopy gave me a diagnosis of  ipi induced colitis.  Back home on prednisone.  Two weeks later I was back in the ER.  Massive rectal bleeding.  (Was the presnidone reduced too quickly?  Who knows?)  24 days in hospital in the Intermediate Care Unit.  Two infusions of infelximab (Remicade), nine units of blood transfusions, massive doses of prednisone (120 mg/day), orthostatic hypotension, adrenal gland shutdown due to prednisone, synthetic adrenal corticoid and mineral steroids, physical therapy when I came home. Still on colitis diet,  ACTH test in March.  Still on medications four months after discharge from hospital. Down to 5 mg prednisone/day.   All this after only two 3 mg/Kg infusions of ipilimumab!  Every person is different.  When is doubt call your oncologist or the oncologist on call if not during office hours.  The oncology fellow on call saved my sanity and possibly my life.  Remember it's better to feel foolish in the doctor's office or the ER and being sent home.  I did not hesitate to seek help.  I try not to think what might have happened it I "didn't want to bother anyone"!

                      Marianne quinn

                        My husband had his 3 rd dose of 10 mg. ipi on 2/12. Doing ok. After 2nd dose, he had some GI issues. Immodium helped as well as diet. What really has helped is taking Benadryl every day. The GI issues have settled down . The GI issues started up when he had stopped taking the Benadryl  for the itching. He is avoiding spicy foods. He went from whole grain bread to whie and is eating white rice. No seeds' nuts, popcorn. 

                        Marianne quinn

                          My husband had his 3 rd dose of 10 mg. ipi on 2/12. Doing ok. After 2nd dose, he had some GI issues. Immodium helped as well as diet. What really has helped is taking Benadryl every day. The GI issues have settled down . The GI issues started up when he had stopped taking the Benadryl  for the itching. He is avoiding spicy foods. He went from whole grain bread to whie and is eating white rice. No seeds' nuts, popcorn. 

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