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Scarring tissue itching and dark spots on it.

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Scarring tissue itching and dark spots on it.

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      I had a Melanoma removed in November last year and it was stage 1b. I then had a wider excision 2mm which showed cancer cells in some of the skin but there were still a 1mm clear margin my scans salons came back clear so although they said I was now stage 3b I did not need further treatment. I am now on 3 monthly checks and 6 monthly scans. However recently my scarring tissue has started to itch and when looking through a magnifying mirror I can see several dark spots on it. Should I be worried? I see my skin specialist on 20th April (it is now the 4th) can it wait till then to be checked? 

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          Hey Julie,

          Why don't you contact your dermatologist and ask if they can either move up the appointment ?  Doesnt hurt to ask anyway if it concerns you.

          good luck,



              Thank you Dessie I have spoke to the dermatologist secretary who said they can not fit me in before and that if it is reoccurring they still could not fit me in earlier. I spoke to skin cancer specialist nurse who just said try not to worry and it is only two weeks to my appointment. Just guess I have to try not to worry till I see him on the 20th.


              I'm confused.  You only had 1mm of clear margins and they left it like that?  They didn't go back in and get 1 cm margins?  Scans would never show microscopic cells but the standard of care is to have 1 cm of CLEAN margins.  And you are stage 3B so that means you had a sentinel node biopsy that was positive?  There are treatment options available for stage III.  Were they offered to you?


                  I am going to pipe in…. my husband had a melanoma removed on his stomach, a few years after that I noticed him itching at a spot shortly up from where his melanoma was.  He mentioned last visit to the dermatologist that it itched, she said it was just scar tissue.  The more I felt around I really felt it was Melanoma.  Sure enough it was a large tumor inside.  He should never have waited since it bothered him for a few months.  Go right back to the docs!  If it is melanoma, best to get it taken care of right now.


                    I was told by my ENT Surgeon /Oncologist to carefully watch the scar tissue . He said it is not unusual for melanoma to appear on it. I recall him stating watch out for any dark spotting. So if I were you I would get medical attention ASAP.

                    Also, confused how you could be Stage 3b ? Did you have malignant lymph nodes?


                      Sorry I meant they took 2cm and 1cm was clear in the second operation and they said I was stage three because it had spread into the surrounding skin. Now the GP has called to say that I need my Thyriod blood check re-done as it came back with abnormal levels. Worried now that that could be because it my have spread to my limph nodes. My mind is doing over time and the skin cancer specialist nurse is not at work till the 10th April. Has the Melanoma was on my scalp, if it had spread to my limph nodes would this make my Thyriod levels be abnormal? I know it sounds stupid but it is worrying me.


                        If it has spread (unlikely) you would be presented with a swollen left or right lympth node(s). Even if it were not visibly the proper touch would indicate the mass. Also, most likely painless and just below the ear.

                        I think you are crossing bridges long before you arrive and thus creating unneccessary anxiety at this point.


                          Thank you for your reply. 

                          Brent Morris

                            Dear Jules

                            There is no connection between your melanoma , your thyroid levels and lymph nodes. If a lymph node is palpable(one that you can feel) in this setting spread by melanoma is a possiblity. However other causes are possible like post surgical inflammation, infection and other unrelated causes. The absense of palpable nodes is good but does not rule out spread to the lymph nodes that is not grown enough yet to be felt. That is the reason for a sentinel node biopsy. A sentinel node biopsy can be important because it gives information about the risk of progression and thus figures into treatment decisions. What node is the site for tumor spread varies from person to person and requires a study. It's hard but this is the time for gathering as much information as you can. Good Luck 


                              Thank you for your replies. They really helped and I have calmed down a lot now. 



                                Following my 2010 melanoma surgery, I experienced exactly what you have described (itching and brown spots along the scar tissue). In my subsequent doctor visits they were not concerned by these occurrences. One brown spot was even significant enough that a new physician, who was filling in for my regular doctor, even ordered a punch biopsy and it came back negative for melanoma. 

                                I have responded to other similar concerns on this forum in the past, and you can always search for past discussion threads on this topic, but I believe small superficial brown spots are quite common and typically harmless. Of course, you should always point them out to your doctor when you are concerned. Also, itching of healing scars is quite common. I have experienced this with virtually all the significant skin abrasions and cuts that I have had as they were healing. 

                                Best of luck!
                                Mark (2A)


                                  I have had a biopsy and this came back as mets in transit. They said I may need a senital node biopsy and for the plastic surgeons to perform another wider excision. There is an MDT meeting tomorrow when they will decide what will happen. Thank you for all your support x 

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