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Recovery time for WLE and SNB

Forums General Melanoma Community Recovery time for WLE and SNB

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      I am having a WLE and SNB done on Thursday.  Could someone please let me know what I can expect as far as recovery time?  I'm assuming I would be able to be back to work on Monday.  I work at a desk. 

      Thanks so much and prayers for not spreading to lymph nodes are greatly appreciated.  


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        Marie with 4 boys
          I recently had two WLE’s done, and within a day and a half I felt just a bit sore (off all pain meds by that time also). I don’t know about SNB though. Hoping all goes well for you.
          Marie with 4 boys
            I recently had two WLE’s done, and within a day and a half I felt just a bit sore (off all pain meds by that time also). I don’t know about SNB though. Hoping all goes well for you.
            Marie with 4 boys
              I recently had two WLE’s done, and within a day and a half I felt just a bit sore (off all pain meds by that time also). I don’t know about SNB though. Hoping all goes well for you.

                You should be fine to return to work on Monday – especially with a desk job.


                  You should be fine to return to work on Monday – especially with a desk job.


                    You should be fine to return to work on Monday – especially with a desk job.


                      You could return on Monday, but if you have sick leave accrued don't be afraid to use it. I chose to be out for over a week because I didn't want to go back to work with stitches on my neck and staples in my head and have coworkers asking me what had happened.


                        You could return on Monday, but if you have sick leave accrued don't be afraid to use it. I chose to be out for over a week because I didn't want to go back to work with stitches on my neck and staples in my head and have coworkers asking me what had happened.


                          You could return on Monday, but if you have sick leave accrued don't be afraid to use it. I chose to be out for over a week because I didn't want to go back to work with stitches on my neck and staples in my head and have coworkers asking me what had happened.


                            Wishing you well… Depends where the LWE is… Mine was down to the shin bone and couldn't close so had staples and a hole for sometime. I had to keep my leg elevated as much as possible. It filled in over about 5weeks enough for a graft this coming Thursday. The SLNB was relatively quick to seal up, I got some tugging feelings down my leg and various other sensations as the lymph sorts itself out. Listen to your body and take the time you need, you are not only dealing with the physical but also the mental head games waiting on biopsy results etc . Accept all assistance offered by friends and be well.


                              Wishing you well… Depends where the LWE is… Mine was down to the shin bone and couldn't close so had staples and a hole for sometime. I had to keep my leg elevated as much as possible. It filled in over about 5weeks enough for a graft this coming Thursday. The SLNB was relatively quick to seal up, I got some tugging feelings down my leg and various other sensations as the lymph sorts itself out. Listen to your body and take the time you need, you are not only dealing with the physical but also the mental head games waiting on biopsy results etc . Accept all assistance offered by friends and be well.


                                Wishing you well… Depends where the LWE is… Mine was down to the shin bone and couldn't close so had staples and a hole for sometime. I had to keep my leg elevated as much as possible. It filled in over about 5weeks enough for a graft this coming Thursday. The SLNB was relatively quick to seal up, I got some tugging feelings down my leg and various other sensations as the lymph sorts itself out. Listen to your body and take the time you need, you are not only dealing with the physical but also the mental head games waiting on biopsy results etc . Accept all assistance offered by friends and be well.


                                    Have had this operation twice on my left lower leg and agree 100 percent with Sam S. The second time took me two weeks to get back to the office, could have been a little faster if ready to go into work with crutches when was much easier to work at home. You need to keep leg elevated to help healing. And as Sam mentions, the worry about the lymph node results and having to see doctors can complicate things. Also after the operation itself i felt nauseous from the anaesthesia, but did not take pain meds afterwards so the nausea went away. Its not that difficult and you will heal, but i would not rush it. Again Sam S has it right. Good luck and wish for good results too


                                      Have had this operation twice on my left lower leg and agree 100 percent with Sam S. The second time took me two weeks to get back to the office, could have been a little faster if ready to go into work with crutches when was much easier to work at home. You need to keep leg elevated to help healing. And as Sam mentions, the worry about the lymph node results and having to see doctors can complicate things. Also after the operation itself i felt nauseous from the anaesthesia, but did not take pain meds afterwards so the nausea went away. Its not that difficult and you will heal, but i would not rush it. Again Sam S has it right. Good luck and wish for good results too


                                        Have had this operation twice on my left lower leg and agree 100 percent with Sam S. The second time took me two weeks to get back to the office, could have been a little faster if ready to go into work with crutches when was much easier to work at home. You need to keep leg elevated to help healing. And as Sam mentions, the worry about the lymph node results and having to see doctors can complicate things. Also after the operation itself i felt nauseous from the anaesthesia, but did not take pain meds afterwards so the nausea went away. Its not that difficult and you will heal, but i would not rush it. Again Sam S has it right. Good luck and wish for good results too


                                        How deep was your lesion and where was it located?  Not all excisions are equal.  I've had at least 9 WLEs on different parts of my body and I even returned to work the day I had the first melanoma removed.  I have a desk job, too, and have since learned that work can wait, lol.  Typically, the WLE is harder to recover from than the SNB.  Stage 1 lesions have smaller margins than stage 2 margins, so you didn't give us enough info to give the most likely scenario.  There are always exceptions but for a standard excision and SNB, most docs would probably say Monday would be fine.  If this is on a leg, you might want a stool or something to prop up your leg – helps with swelling when sitting all day.  Avoid swelling will help avoid pain.  Good luck and try not to stress too much.


                                          How deep was your lesion and where was it located?  Not all excisions are equal.  I've had at least 9 WLEs on different parts of my body and I even returned to work the day I had the first melanoma removed.  I have a desk job, too, and have since learned that work can wait, lol.  Typically, the WLE is harder to recover from than the SNB.  Stage 1 lesions have smaller margins than stage 2 margins, so you didn't give us enough info to give the most likely scenario.  There are always exceptions but for a standard excision and SNB, most docs would probably say Monday would be fine.  If this is on a leg, you might want a stool or something to prop up your leg – helps with swelling when sitting all day.  Avoid swelling will help avoid pain.  Good luck and try not to stress too much.


                                            How deep was your lesion and where was it located?  Not all excisions are equal.  I've had at least 9 WLEs on different parts of my body and I even returned to work the day I had the first melanoma removed.  I have a desk job, too, and have since learned that work can wait, lol.  Typically, the WLE is harder to recover from than the SNB.  Stage 1 lesions have smaller margins than stage 2 margins, so you didn't give us enough info to give the most likely scenario.  There are always exceptions but for a standard excision and SNB, most docs would probably say Monday would be fine.  If this is on a leg, you might want a stool or something to prop up your leg – helps with swelling when sitting all day.  Avoid swelling will help avoid pain.  Good luck and try not to stress too much.

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