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Forums General Melanoma Community Radiation

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      Hi All,

      It has been a couple of months since I have been here.  I want to share something new that happened to me back in December of last year.

      After my t-1 fusion, tumor removal, stabilization surgery in October, I signed a research consent form for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy.  Based on what I have learned, it seems to me that they are working on Cyber Knife without the presence of a tumor.  They gave me one very large blast that traced the area where the tumor was.  The purpose was to clean up any remnants left behind from surgery.  This procedure made a ton of sense since the tiniest remnant left alive and behind can cause a major problem.  Plus, it gave me another chance to wear the "Rat" label we all love so much.  The leftovers are why I have progressed since my original diagnosis in 2007.

      I wanted to share this in case anyone out there might find it helpful if they are in a situation similar to mine.  My followup scan showed complete resolution of that area and now I am NED.  I know the 18 doses of Keytruda have done a lot, but the radiation might have provided a little extra help.  It was completely new to me when the radiation oncologist proposed this therapy as an option.  It has probably been around for years and is nothing new, but it was to me. 

      Keep Fighting,


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          Hey Brad!!!

          You are definitely in "rattie" territory!  Yes, we have learned that combining gamma knife, cyber knife, stereotactic radiation ~ with immunotherapy provides good effect when applied to existing tumors.  You are certainly the next wave in blasting the tumor field while taking immunotherapy!   It makes sense to me!! 

          Thanks for sharing.  And even more…thanks for putting yourself out there!!  Ratties rock!  celeste


            Bradley – well done, incredible medical history, I am not sure I could have seen this through the way you have.

            why did they offer radiation post surgery? I have one tumour left, and am trying tvec w pembro to remove it, but my sense is that if it does not completely disappear (and i would be lucky for this to happen) then i will face surgery. But doctor has not mentioned radiation to destory any missing bits. Is this a new idea? Do you have the details of this trial?

            thank you Mark


                Hi Mark, 

                Thank you for the kind words.  It has been an up and down road for sure.

                I have no details of this as a trial.  All I know about it is I had to sign a research consent form.  I can ask my care team if there is trial information if you wish?  It seemed new to me.  The offered radiation post surgery because melanoma is a beast.  The surgeon can remove all he can see, but that doesn't mean he got it all. 

                Good luck with your battle.  TVEC is good stuff.  It looks like I get to try that in the very near future.


                My wife had a 25mm tumor removed from her cerebellum in August of 2017.   The neurosurgeon said it came out in an intact membrane and he said he got every bit he could see, but they went ahead and gave the resection cavity 8 shots from the gamma knife, all around the periphery, to kill any remaining cells.   The gamma knife was 8 days after the brain surgery and she started ipi/nivo about two weeks after the gamma knife.  She did develop some radiation necrosis from it in December, but they gave her 4 doses of Avastin which appears to have stopped it.  

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