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Question about recent doctor visit

Forums General Melanoma Community Question about recent doctor visit

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      I want to apologize in advance my concern is no where near as important as most of the posts on this forum but I did not know where to go.

      I recenty had to switch my general practicioner because my other doctor retired.  I was at my yearly visit with the new doctor and he had me strip down to nothing and examin my moles.   In 15 years with my previous doctor this has never happened.   I am 34 years old and in pretty good health.   Most of my moles look very similar light to darkish brown small spots… some have weird shapes but they have never changed.   I do have a good deal of moles but blame that on being italian and nothing has ever come from them.

      I have a few moles that he freaked me out over.  One is on my left butt cheek ( Sorry).  It looks like a dark brown circle and I have noticed it for years when I get out of the shower.  I never noticed it changing its one color but it is an odd shape… it is about 3mm-4mm,    The other moles were on the tops of my feet.   I have about 5 normal looking moles on the top of my feet… again nothing has ever changed.


      This doctor said that having any moles on areas where the sun doesnt shine is not a good thing and I need to be checked by a dermatologist immediatly.    I asked if my moles looked like melanoma and he said no.. but you should not have moles in these locations and this concerns me.    So now over the 4th of July holiday I keep thinking that I have had these moles forever and my anxiety is taking over. 

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          If they haven't changed, I wouldn't stress.  It never hurts to see a derm and establish a relationship.  But I wouldn't be spending much time worrying about these moles.  If any concern you now or in the future, take photos so you can monitor for change!  Good luck!


            If they haven't changed, I wouldn't stress.  It never hurts to see a derm and establish a relationship.  But I wouldn't be spending much time worrying about these moles.  If any concern you now or in the future, take photos so you can monitor for change!  Good luck!


              If they haven't changed, I wouldn't stress.  It never hurts to see a derm and establish a relationship.  But I wouldn't be spending much time worrying about these moles.  If any concern you now or in the future, take photos so you can monitor for change!  Good luck!

              Cynthia C


                I was diagnosed with melanoma at the end of 2000 with staging at 3b at the beginning of 2001. I had a great primary care Doc, we had a good rapport. About a year before my diagnosis I showed him what I thought was a new weird freckle on my calf. It was flat and just looked like a very large freckle. I have lots of freckles but no moles. I have a little high blood pressure and visited my PCP every 6 months. I had never stripped down for a skin exam, did not even think of it. Anyway, he said it did not look like anything, we'll keep an eye on it. At the next (6 month) visit I forgot to show him and he did not ask about it. Well it had changed somewhat but I was so used to it that I forgot to show him. At my next 6 month visit I did show him and I believe he said " Oh shit!". Enough said. I have no one to blame but myself, of course I should have had the common sense to have this looked at when it changed. What if, at that first visit, he had shown concern and said I should have seen a derm? What if, at that second visit, he had had me strip for a skin check? I certainly learned a lesson and I think he did too. Every Doctor is human and has had unique experiences leading them to where they are today. Who knows, maybe your primary care Doc has had a "Cynthia" in his past?


                Cynthia C


                  I was diagnosed with melanoma at the end of 2000 with staging at 3b at the beginning of 2001. I had a great primary care Doc, we had a good rapport. About a year before my diagnosis I showed him what I thought was a new weird freckle on my calf. It was flat and just looked like a very large freckle. I have lots of freckles but no moles. I have a little high blood pressure and visited my PCP every 6 months. I had never stripped down for a skin exam, did not even think of it. Anyway, he said it did not look like anything, we'll keep an eye on it. At the next (6 month) visit I forgot to show him and he did not ask about it. Well it had changed somewhat but I was so used to it that I forgot to show him. At my next 6 month visit I did show him and I believe he said " Oh shit!". Enough said. I have no one to blame but myself, of course I should have had the common sense to have this looked at when it changed. What if, at that first visit, he had shown concern and said I should have seen a derm? What if, at that second visit, he had had me strip for a skin check? I certainly learned a lesson and I think he did too. Every Doctor is human and has had unique experiences leading them to where they are today. Who knows, maybe your primary care Doc has had a "Cynthia" in his past?


                  Cynthia C


                    I was diagnosed with melanoma at the end of 2000 with staging at 3b at the beginning of 2001. I had a great primary care Doc, we had a good rapport. About a year before my diagnosis I showed him what I thought was a new weird freckle on my calf. It was flat and just looked like a very large freckle. I have lots of freckles but no moles. I have a little high blood pressure and visited my PCP every 6 months. I had never stripped down for a skin exam, did not even think of it. Anyway, he said it did not look like anything, we'll keep an eye on it. At the next (6 month) visit I forgot to show him and he did not ask about it. Well it had changed somewhat but I was so used to it that I forgot to show him. At my next 6 month visit I did show him and I believe he said " Oh shit!". Enough said. I have no one to blame but myself, of course I should have had the common sense to have this looked at when it changed. What if, at that first visit, he had shown concern and said I should have seen a derm? What if, at that second visit, he had had me strip for a skin check? I certainly learned a lesson and I think he did too. Every Doctor is human and has had unique experiences leading them to where they are today. Who knows, maybe your primary care Doc has had a "Cynthia" in his past?


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