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Pregnancy after stage 1A

Forums General Melanoma Community Pregnancy after stage 1A

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      I sit here right now, post WLE, with my boot and wound vac on and have way too much time to think about my diagnosis.

      My melanoma was found just after I started IVF. My mole was there a long time before we started IVF so I don’t think it’s related. We finished our IVF cycle and have 6 perfect embryos waiting for us. All of them are frozen and my doctor (Dr. Gastman at the Cleveland Clinic) recommends waiting 1 year to try and implant them.

      I’m OK with waiting, it’s not thrilling, but I’m OK with it. But, I’ve read a lot about women, even with early stages, deciding not to go ahead with pregnancies.

      I know this topic has been brought up on the forum before but anyone have more recent information/ recommendations about getting pregnant after a melanoma diagnosis?

      Thank you!

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          I have also been treated by Dr. Gastman with a pregnancy related melanoma. Like you, I did a lot of research after my diagnosis. I have seen information both ways – some resources say that there is no additional risk for melanoma during pregnancy subsequent to diagnosis and others, like Dr. Gastman and his research, that would say the opposite. I don't think anyone knows. The only thing I will caution you with is that pregnancy decreases your immune system, so if there is any remaining cancer cells that weren't captured during your WLE they could be more likely to grow during pregnancy.

          It's obviously a personal choice, I would recommend going with your gut because you won't find a definitive answer either way. I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope you find the path that is best for you.


            I have also been treated by Dr. Gastman with a pregnancy related melanoma. Like you, I did a lot of research after my diagnosis. I have seen information both ways – some resources say that there is no additional risk for melanoma during pregnancy subsequent to diagnosis and others, like Dr. Gastman and his research, that would say the opposite. I don't think anyone knows. The only thing I will caution you with is that pregnancy decreases your immune system, so if there is any remaining cancer cells that weren't captured during your WLE they could be more likely to grow during pregnancy.

            It's obviously a personal choice, I would recommend going with your gut because you won't find a definitive answer either way. I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope you find the path that is best for you.


              I have also been treated by Dr. Gastman with a pregnancy related melanoma. Like you, I did a lot of research after my diagnosis. I have seen information both ways – some resources say that there is no additional risk for melanoma during pregnancy subsequent to diagnosis and others, like Dr. Gastman and his research, that would say the opposite. I don't think anyone knows. The only thing I will caution you with is that pregnancy decreases your immune system, so if there is any remaining cancer cells that weren't captured during your WLE they could be more likely to grow during pregnancy.

              It's obviously a personal choice, I would recommend going with your gut because you won't find a definitive answer either way. I wish you the best of luck in the future and hope you find the path that is best for you.

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