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Pls keytruda info

Forums General Melanoma Community Pls keytruda info

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      I would like to ask, how long does keytruda infusion take?

      In leaflet there is about 30 minutes.
      All ppl I know take keytruda about 30 minutes..

      My father takes it 60 minutes.. Is that possible? Isn’t it wrong?

      Many thanks..

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    • Replies

          Your father's infusion rate sounds in keeping with standards.  Different institutions have different policies about IV drip rates and/or infusions of benign fluids like saline before actually administering the medicine.  30 minutes vs 60 makes no difference and should not be a concern.  However, your best answer will come from asking those who do your dad's infusions.  celeste

              Many thanks Celeste for your answer again. I was affraid something is wrong there, because he took 4th one and nothing’s changing (he has still nodules like golf balls on his skin and still growing..) .. 🙁

                Did you ever ask the oncologist about intralesional therapy in addition to the infusions?  There have been many reports of melanoma lesions (whether visible/palpable or documentation through radiologic studies like CT scans of more internal lesions) increasing in size when a patient is placed on immunotherapy due to the influx of t cells and the inflammation that follows.  Then…as the armies of t cells do their work…the lesions begin to shrink.  I will continue to hope that is what is happening for your father.  (But, I'd still seek intralesional treatments as well if possible.  I believe in hitting melanoma with everything we've got….if it is an option.)  Wishing you my best.  c

                  Yes, this will be another option, doctor said, he is going to have radiotherapy first (high dose radiotherapy) ..
                  Hope it will help.

                  Thanks, best wishes


                  Hi, I have been on Keytruda for ~1.5 years. The infusion takes 30 minutes plus an additional 5 minutes of saline flush. Im not sure what difference it makes on how long its takes for the infusion to occur as long as you recieve the calculated dose of 2mg/kg. Just my thought but best to ask your doctor.


                      Hi Bill, many thanks for reply and help.
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