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PET/CT Tomorrow … Yay!

Forums General Melanoma Community PET/CT Tomorrow … Yay!

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      I took the advice of my GP & decided to get a 2nd opinion from a local oncologist re: the numerous bilateral pulmonary nodules that showed up on my most recent CT scans @ MDA in July. I met w/ him last Friday & he was wonderful! Though not a melanoma oncologist (hematology) he completely agreed a 12 week interval scan was absolutely warranted. MDA has me scheduled for mid-December & it just seemed too long, especially since I've been feeling poorly now for a few months.

      So as a result, I'll have a PET/CT, tomorrow. Yes, I am a little anxious, especially since all my pre-July lung scans had been clear … but being proactive definitely helps me feel like I'm not just a number in the system, waiting for the wheel to turn. Also, I know the resolution won't be quite as good as Full Body CT w/ Contrast but if there are metastases, hopefully we'll see metabolic uptake & I'll be in a better position to insist upon treatment @ MDA, asap!

      Separately, I do have a 4 centimeter tumor in my kidney, which has been growing intervallically since the spring. Urologist was supposed to assess for biopsy / surgery, next month. If my lungs are clear, I'll have to set sights on the next target. If not, maybe immunotherapy, for both? Fun, fun, fun!

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          Hey Jagstter,

          Smart move! I think being proactive and your own advocate in this process is really important. I hope that the scans go well for you tomorrow and come back nice and clean! Lets us know how it goes.



              Thanks, Tex! All went smoothly, today … blood panels & PET/CT. Now, comes the waiting. Fortunately, I'll see the doc on Friday & learn the results. Progress 😉


                Good deal! Hoping its all good news on Friday!


                Got the results from my PET/CT, last week. The Radiologist indicated there was no hypermetabolic activity in either of my lungs … hurray! The Oncologist suggested resolution (infection?) but said a follow-up CT w/ Contrast @ MDA in December should confirm. He cautioned me that w/ PET/CT, lower definition still could produce a false negative – especially, in earlier stage & size. Nevertheless, I'll take it as a potential good report!

                Separately & less fortunately, the right kindney did indicate more growth, even since August. I'm pushing 5 cm, w/ strong indication it is not a simple cyst. The Urologist spoke w/ me (same medical group) & wants another MRI, asap. He said I should prepare for a partial or full nephrectomy, as kidney biopsies aren't particulary effective. Now, the question is: benign or malignant? Renal or Mel? If I'm fully resected & it is Mel, do I still qualify for immunotherapy? I guess, I'll just have to take things slowly & try to be as informed as possible 😉

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