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PD-1 trials

Forums General Melanoma Community PD-1 trials

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      After a second opinion and thinking about it for a week, my husband wants to try for a PD-1 trial.  I've spent hours doing research and trying to find a trial, but I'm so confused!   I realize there are different drug manufacturers and they use a different number/letter combination for their drug.  I'm trying to track down a trial that allows for patients who have had previous yervoy/ipi treatment to enroll.  Please help!  Does anyone know where there is a trial for a PD-1 drug for a patient with previous yervoy treatment?  It looks like S

      After a second opinion and thinking about it for a week, my husband wants to try for a PD-1 trial.  I've spent hours doing research and trying to find a trial, but I'm so confused!   I realize there are different drug manufacturers and they use a different number/letter combination for their drug.  I'm trying to track down a trial that allows for patients who have had previous yervoy/ipi treatment to enroll.  Please help!  Does anyone know where there is a trial for a PD-1 drug for a patient with previous yervoy treatment?  It looks like Sloan Kettering and/or John Hopkins might have a trial, but I"ve called and they all tell me that we'll have to come to their clinic to talk to the doctor.  We live in St. Louis and it would cost $500+ to fly up there to talk to the doctor.  We'll figure out how to do it, but I don't want to go all the way up there and have them tell me that he won't qualify because of prior treatment–they should be able to do that over the phone, right?  Thanks for any help–we're totally overwhelmed and confused. 

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          This foundation has a great free service that tells you what trials are available to you.

          Click on the tab on the home page that says something  "Are you getting all the facts"?

              My husband was on ipilimumb with doctor weber Florida, and now we are going to Karmanos to hopefully start PD-1 trial on Monday. Let me know if I can answer anymore questions!

                I talked to a nurse in Nashville about this same study–it's for the amp-224.  I'm thrilled to hear that they will allow ipi patients.  What were some of the other disqualifiers–my husband is healthy (minus having stage 4 cancer!).  How often will you need to go to the hospital for treatments–the lady in Nashville mentioned he might need to come each week–tough to do with 3 young kids at home, but totally worth it, if it works.  I'd love to hear more about the trial.  Thank you so much!


                  I talked to a nurse in Nashville about this same study–it's for the amp-224.  I'm thrilled to hear that they will allow ipi patients.  What were some of the other disqualifiers–my husband is healthy (minus having stage 4 cancer!).  How often will you need to go to the hospital for treatments–the lady in Nashville mentioned he might need to come each week–tough to do with 3 young kids at home, but totally worth it, if it works.  I'd love to hear more about the trial.  Thank you so much!

                    My husband was on ipilimumb with doctor weber Florida, and now we are going to Karmanos to hopefully start PD-1 trial on Monday. Let me know if I can answer anymore questions!

                    This foundation has a great free service that tells you what trials are available to you.

                    Click on the tab on the home page that says something  "Are you getting all the facts"?

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