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Overly Paranoid?

Forums General Melanoma Community Overly Paranoid?

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      So I haven’t posted in awhile as I’ve been avoiding thinking too much. I had a modular 4mm high mitotic rate ulcerated melanoma removed from my ear in March. (Staged 2b with negative snlb). Given the crazy risk category I looked for clinical trials. The only one I qualified for due to Covid shutting down different ones was a vaccine at UVA.

      I received an MRI and several CT scans with contrast in late August. Last week I woke up with a sore neck/shoulder. Seemed very muscular as when I moved it hurt. I’ve been working with it and it is getting less sore. However, I feel almost constantly achey in my shoulder even when I am not moving. Icing/heat, advil help some but not enough to stop all the pain. I’ve reported this but waiting on what’s next. Assuming another CT or X-ray, though I’m scheduled for one in November and just had one in September.

      I’m hyper paranoid and seem to think everything is melanoma. Mostly wanted to vent but interested in any other insights. I hear bone mets are fairly rare without other metastasis and I currently have no other symptoms.

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          Dear boatski,

          I cant really tell what is troubling you, and dont want to downplay it, but do you think you might just have slept in a funny position – twisted your head? My daughter did this years ago – but of course it must have disappeared in a day or so.
          From your post it seems you had an MRI/CT in August but also in September (not sure this is right). You would be incredibly unlucky for these to be clear and then for you to have such a bad recurrence so soon. So I am hoping this is something else completely. Hopefully it will start to fade; if not then check with your doctor.

          I had a bike accident a couple of months ago – then a massive swelling on my elbow, 2 weeks later was not going down Worried about a recurrence. Sent a photo to my doctor and he described it as caused by the bike crash – a few weeks later it did go down. So I hope its something completely unrelated!

          Hope this calms you a little

              PS Did you go for the vaccine trial? Sounds interesting
                Yeah, and sorry just scans in Late August.

                I am in the trial now, it’s a lot of travel but so far so good.

                Hoping the pain goes down in the next few days, waiting seems to be the worst.

                  Hi there,
                  It’s ok too be paranoid. It’s comes with this diagnosis.
                  I had wide resection, lymph nodes biopsy April 1st of this year. I was given 1b stage. Lymph nodes were negative. I was sent home to watch.
                  Every twitch in my body felt weird. In August, 5 months later I asked to have a PET scan. I felt something and was not isure what normal was anymore. They found Mets in 2 lymph nodes. Im 3c now recovering from removing them. The road ahead is immunotherapy and than whatever I need to take to stay alive until I can’t take it any longer. Had I not asked for the scan I would have progressed to probably stage 4 without even blinking.
                  You just had a scan in August. I would give it couple weeks hoping it’s just muscles.
                  I tell myself since now on this is my life of scans, waiting, taking crazy poisonous medications, managing side effects.. this is my life now and I got to get used it and not go nuts. Going paranoid is not going to help it only makes everything worse. You still want live, remember and enjoy it. If possible.
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