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Options if you are BRAF Negative

Forums General Melanoma Community Options if you are BRAF Negative

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      My husband is currently on Opdivo once a month. I have read many posts about going on a combo if things progress and you are BRAF positve. My husband is BRAF negative. What options besides immunotherapy are available if you do not have that genetic mutation?

      Love + peace to all,


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        ed williams

          Well, as far as approved treatments there are a few. Ipi+nivo, injectable T-vec, TIL's at NIH and a few other locations in US and Canada. Then there are the clinical trials, where I am sure Bubble's will probably post something but here are a few that are going on. Nivo+Lag-3, Nivo+ NKTR-214, TLR-9 (also called SD-101) another injectable + Pd-1, OX-40+ Ipi, there is also a til's trial run by Iovance where they send tissue out to company and they grow cells so hospital doesn't have to have lab set up. Dr. Omid Hamid is pretty big on bispecfic Imcgp100 an antibody drug conjugate. In Boston there is a neoantigen vaccine trial based on your own tissue. There are some other check points that I am not sure how far the trials are with Gitrand Tim-3. Good luck with the research, one other location that is always a good source is MD Anderson Hospital in Texas, due to it's size they have a lot going on with some leading researcher's. Ed 


              Thank you Ed for all the information! Good to know there are many options. 

              I find it so interesting all of these new treatments that are coming out. We at least live at a good time with many options for melanoma!


              Hey Tania,

              I think that Ed gave a good synopsis of treatments beyond immunotherapy!  For now I am just going to leave it at that and assume that your husband is going to have an excellent response to the Opdivo he started in January!!!  Wishing you both my best.  Celeste


                  I am definitely very optimistic with his Opdivo treatment. Just curious as to other options just in case. I find it all very fascinating but a little over my head to keep up with. 

                  Thank you Celeste!



                  I am Braf negative and did the ipi/nivo combo and then just nivo for a total of 57 treatments. NED after 19 months and ahve been NED for another 19 months, last treatment in August 2018.

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