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Not diagnosed, waiting for results

Forums General Melanoma Community Not diagnosed, waiting for results

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      I have been to the dermatologist on Monday 7/3 to have mole removed from my upper thigh and the dermatologist right away said it's melanoma. She also said that I will be lucky if it's not cancerous. I’m freaking out. I’m supposed to get the results within 3 weeks. I told her we were going on vacation and the only thing she said is: ‘Have a nice trip’. The visit was so short, the doctor  did not even sit down to talk to me about my options. I have given birth two months ago to my second child and I’m honestly losing my mind. The mole has been on my leg for over 3 years. I have a LOT of moles and didn’t think much about this one until my husband told me I need to get this one checked. The surrounding area was itching a little bit, but I wasn’t really concern. My question is, can the doctor say from just looking at the mole that this is melanoma? Thank you in advance for all your replies.


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          "My question is, can the doctor say from just looking at the mole that this is melanoma? Thank you in advance for all your replies."

          You posted on the off topic BB by mistake.  However, a doctor cannot tell by just looking if a lesion is melanoma or not.  Certainly, they can make an educated guess.  But a biopsy is the ONLY way to know for certain.  I've had moles look terrible that aren't, and moles that look innocent that were melanoma.  For me, the strongest predictive factor is change.  Itching can also be a sign of change.  It's good to get this lesion biopsied, but don't jump to any conclusions yet.  It's probably great to have a vacation planned.  Go have a great time and try to forget your upcoming biopsy.  Pre-worry never helped anyone.  If it does happen to be melanoma, you can figure out what to do THEN, not now. 

          Best wishes,



              I'm sorry for positing it in a rong place. Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. I appreciate it a lot. I'll think positive and keep myself busy.


                There's no problem with posing in the wrong place, the issue is not many will respond to you.

                I'm just agreeing with Janner. I also have multiple primaries and it's good that you had the mole removed but the dermatologist really can't tell till the results are in. Because of that he couldn't talk options. It might be nothing or depending on the depth different options are given. 

                Please let us know what the results are. Hopefully all is fine, now that you've gotten to a dermatologist since you said you have many moles just make a regular appointment to keep an eye. 



                  There's no problem with posing in the wrong place, the issue is not many will respond to you.

                  I'm just agreeing with Janner. I also have multiple primaries and it's good that you had the mole removed but the dermatologist really can't tell till the results are in. Because of that he couldn't talk options. It might be nothing or depending on the depth different options are given. 

                  Please let us know what the results are. Hopefully all is fine, now that you've gotten to a dermatologist since you said you have many moles just make a regular appointment to keep an eye. 



                    I'm sorry for positing it in a rong place. Thank you so much for getting back to me so quickly. I appreciate it a lot. I'll think positive and keep myself busy.


                    "My question is, can the doctor say from just looking at the mole that this is melanoma? Thank you in advance for all your replies."

                    You posted on the off topic BB by mistake.  However, a doctor cannot tell by just looking if a lesion is melanoma or not.  Certainly, they can make an educated guess.  But a biopsy is the ONLY way to know for certain.  I've had moles look terrible that aren't, and moles that look innocent that were melanoma.  For me, the strongest predictive factor is change.  Itching can also be a sign of change.  It's good to get this lesion biopsied, but don't jump to any conclusions yet.  It's probably great to have a vacation planned.  Go have a great time and try to forget your upcoming biopsy.  Pre-worry never helped anyone.  If it does happen to be melanoma, you can figure out what to do THEN, not now. 

                    Best wishes,


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