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Newt gets his just deserts in Florida

Forums General Melanoma Community Newt gets his just deserts in Florida

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      What a disgusting week of Newtoninan barfology. I especially enjoyed his hysterical pandering to the West Coast NASA folks with the I'm gonna establish a Moon Colony speach.  LOST IN SPACE NEWT!!!!  Warning. Warning. Warning Will Robinson. I sense an alien presence in Newt's brain.

      What a disgusting week of Newtoninan barfology. I especially enjoyed his hysterical pandering to the West Coast NASA folks with the I'm gonna establish a Moon Colony speach.  LOST IN SPACE NEWT!!!!  Warning. Warning. Warning Will Robinson. I sense an alien presence in Newt's brain. So here is this guy with who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar, was fired as speaker by his own party, fined, publicly disgraced, divorced his first wife as she was battling cancer (the Dems had Edwards too I admit) divorced his second wife who was recently dx'd with MS because she wouldn't let poor Newtie be naughty and have an open marriage. Then he rakes in millions as a non lobbyist doing lobbying for the scandalous mortagage company that exacerbated the housing collapse, and then has the balls to think he is a serious CONSERVATIVE presidential candidate.  At least Cain quietly rode off to obscurity when his past behavior became public knowledge.  My bible thumping red neck relatives and neighbors all came home yesterday gleefully gloating how they had cast their votes for Newt. He even had spoken at their Baptist Church (Idlewild, a mega church) here on Sunday. What part of his behavior is consistent with their bible thumping beliefs???  How can Newt be considered a conservative? What I see happening is the Republican party self destructing. Their best potential candidates won't run partly due to the Tea Party crazies that have forced moderate Republicans who would have a serious shot at winning to avoid seeking the job. The Republican party has a long history, remember Goldwater, of letting the extremist undermine their credibility. I personally think Romney could be a competent moderate conservative president. But he has been forced to shift much farther to the right to even have a chance for his party's nomination. When people like Romney and Huntsman are rejected as too liberal I think The Republican Party is being dragged down by the die hard angry white red necks of the South and the rural sparsely  populated predominately white Western states. The US is now much too multi racial, multi ethnic for the far right to prevail. If the economy continues to improve, Obama should have pretty good odds of being re-elected.

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          The funniest things are the people who think their vote even matters in the grand scheme of things.


              But not so funny when nobody gets to vote like in Syria. Bullets vs votes? I vote for votes.


                But not so funny when nobody gets to vote like in Syria. Bullets vs votes? I vote for votes.


                  But not so funny when nobody gets to vote like in Syria. Bullets vs votes? I vote for votes.


                  The funniest things are the people who think their vote even matters in the grand scheme of things.


                    The funniest things are the people who think their vote even matters in the grand scheme of things.


                      How low can we get for a presidential candidate?  How do you trust someone with a personal life and professional career littered with disgracefull behavior. Toss in a pugnacious, arguementative, negative personality and what do you have? A combination of DanT, Jag and BG with a pot belly and a skinny bottle


                        How low can we get for a presidential candidate?  How do you trust someone with a personal life and professional career littered with disgracefull behavior. Toss in a pugnacious, arguementative, negative personality and what do you have? A combination of DanT, Jag and BG with a pot belly and a skinny bottle


                          How low can we get for a presidential candidate?  How do you trust someone with a personal life and professional career littered with disgracefull behavior. Toss in a pugnacious, arguementative, negative personality and what do you have? A combination of DanT, Jag and BG with a pot belly and a skinny bottle

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