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new twist on rash

Forums General Melanoma Community new twist on rash

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      To recap, I was an unsuccessful Yervoy patient and went almost straight into an anti-PD1 trial. I did the 2 rounds of infusions every 2 weeks for 12 weeks each, ending almost 3 months ago. So I am a week away from my first maintenance infusion.  I have had intermittent itching ever since the Yervoy. It subsided somewhat but has been mostly on my shins/calves.  The last few days it has appeared on my upper arms worse in the tricep area. Are others experiencing a nomadic rash and/or a rash lingering this long after no infusions for 3 months?

      To recap, I was an unsuccessful Yervoy patient and went almost straight into an anti-PD1 trial. I did the 2 rounds of infusions every 2 weeks for 12 weeks each, ending almost 3 months ago. So I am a week away from my first maintenance infusion.  I have had intermittent itching ever since the Yervoy. It subsided somewhat but has been mostly on my shins/calves.  The last few days it has appeared on my upper arms worse in the tricep area. Are others experiencing a nomadic rash and/or a rash lingering this long after no infusions for 3 months?  Any opinions on whether this is still a Yervoy side-effect or more likely from the anti-PD1?   Dan

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          Girrrrrl!  I mean….Dan!  I've been itching for day, weeks, months, years…..  To be serious….It comes and goes…but, it is just part of my world.  I am now almost 2 years into my anti-PD1 trial…the past year and one half of which have been every 3 months.  What's weird…is that sometimes most of the itching (and arthralgias and fatigue and mouth ulcers) ocurr just after infusion…but sometimes…as in this round…are huge flares right before I am to go back to Moffitt for more bug juice.  Hang in there.  I'm not sure topical hydrocortisone is that helpful, though I use it.  Benadryl at night helps.  Best, Celeste


              Hi Bubbles!  When on ipi, I went through a lot of hydrocortisone (&$$$) but I found that relief was short lived and that cheaper skin lotion worked just as well.  I favor a generic brand similar to Gold Bond, but others will do. I get scanned at Moffitt a week from today with treatment & Dr. visit the next day.   Dan


                You're right.  Just keeping greased up with any product is probably the most help.  Good luck on your scans and treatment.  I'll be getting my scans at the end of next week and go back down to Moffitt for my turn in the CRU the week after that.  C


                  You're right.  Just keeping greased up with any product is probably the most help.  Good luck on your scans and treatment.  I'll be getting my scans at the end of next week and go back down to Moffitt for my turn in the CRU the week after that.  C


                    You're right.  Just keeping greased up with any product is probably the most help.  Good luck on your scans and treatment.  I'll be getting my scans at the end of next week and go back down to Moffitt for my turn in the CRU the week after that.  C


                      Hi Bubbles!  When on ipi, I went through a lot of hydrocortisone (&$$$) but I found that relief was short lived and that cheaper skin lotion worked just as well.  I favor a generic brand similar to Gold Bond, but others will do. I get scanned at Moffitt a week from today with treatment & Dr. visit the next day.   Dan


                        Hi Bubbles!  When on ipi, I went through a lot of hydrocortisone (&$$$) but I found that relief was short lived and that cheaper skin lotion worked just as well.  I favor a generic brand similar to Gold Bond, but others will do. I get scanned at Moffitt a week from today with treatment & Dr. visit the next day.   Dan


                        Girrrrrl!  I mean….Dan!  I've been itching for day, weeks, months, years…..  To be serious….It comes and goes…but, it is just part of my world.  I am now almost 2 years into my anti-PD1 trial…the past year and one half of which have been every 3 months.  What's weird…is that sometimes most of the itching (and arthralgias and fatigue and mouth ulcers) ocurr just after infusion…but sometimes…as in this round…are huge flares right before I am to go back to Moffitt for more bug juice.  Hang in there.  I'm not sure topical hydrocortisone is that helpful, though I use it.  Benadryl at night helps.  Best, Celeste


                          Girrrrrl!  I mean….Dan!  I've been itching for day, weeks, months, years…..  To be serious….It comes and goes…but, it is just part of my world.  I am now almost 2 years into my anti-PD1 trial…the past year and one half of which have been every 3 months.  What's weird…is that sometimes most of the itching (and arthralgias and fatigue and mouth ulcers) ocurr just after infusion…but sometimes…as in this round…are huge flares right before I am to go back to Moffitt for more bug juice.  Hang in there.  I'm not sure topical hydrocortisone is that helpful, though I use it.  Benadryl at night helps.  Best, Celeste


                            Hi Dan,

                            I don't have know if what you're expereriencing is like my experienes or different. I've been treated with IL-2 and Yervoy bu not anti-PD1.

                            I get rashes on predominantly on my calves, fingers, and (less so) back of elbows. These are all areas that get a lot of contact — and therefore irritation? — with clothing as I walk, tops of my fingers rubbing against the insides of pockets, etc. all day long. 

                            The finger rashes started around when I moved into a house with pets, 3-4 years before any immunotherapy.

                            But the leg rashes became really noticable at first during IL-2, and then changed slightly in character but continued as strongly after IPI.

                            I use odorless/dye-less detergent. But I still end up resorting to corticosteroid creams (e.g., desenide), or at other times another type of non-steroidal ointment (Protopic) to keep the outbreaks under control, especially on my calves and fingers. 


                              Hi Dan,

                              I don't have know if what you're expereriencing is like my experienes or different. I've been treated with IL-2 and Yervoy bu not anti-PD1.

                              I get rashes on predominantly on my calves, fingers, and (less so) back of elbows. These are all areas that get a lot of contact — and therefore irritation? — with clothing as I walk, tops of my fingers rubbing against the insides of pockets, etc. all day long. 

                              The finger rashes started around when I moved into a house with pets, 3-4 years before any immunotherapy.

                              But the leg rashes became really noticable at first during IL-2, and then changed slightly in character but continued as strongly after IPI.

                              I use odorless/dye-less detergent. But I still end up resorting to corticosteroid creams (e.g., desenide), or at other times another type of non-steroidal ointment (Protopic) to keep the outbreaks under control, especially on my calves and fingers. 


                                Hi Dan,

                                I don't have know if what you're expereriencing is like my experienes or different. I've been treated with IL-2 and Yervoy bu not anti-PD1.

                                I get rashes on predominantly on my calves, fingers, and (less so) back of elbows. These are all areas that get a lot of contact — and therefore irritation? — with clothing as I walk, tops of my fingers rubbing against the insides of pockets, etc. all day long. 

                                The finger rashes started around when I moved into a house with pets, 3-4 years before any immunotherapy.

                                But the leg rashes became really noticable at first during IL-2, and then changed slightly in character but continued as strongly after IPI.

                                I use odorless/dye-less detergent. But I still end up resorting to corticosteroid creams (e.g., desenide), or at other times another type of non-steroidal ointment (Protopic) to keep the outbreaks under control, especially on my calves and fingers. 

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