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New spot on left hand

Forums General Melanoma Community New spot on left hand

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      I was diagnosed in 11/2012 as stage 3. Went through 3 surgeries and Interferon treatment. Last summer my Oncologist passed away and I have yet to get a new one. I have been enduring some major headaches and terrible pain on the right side of my neck. Just this week i have developed a dark spot on my left ring finger just above my wedding ring, (no discomfort at all). Of course anxiety is in full swing, can anyone lend advise?

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    • Replies
        Marianne quinn

          another oncologist should have assumed his patient load. It is critical that you go see another oncologist soon. Please take care of getting an appointment tomorrow and hopefully be seen next week. If your oncologist was in a group, it should be relatively easy to find another. If not, get your primary care doctor to help. Don't wait!

          Marianne quinn

            another oncologist should have assumed his patient load. It is critical that you go see another oncologist soon. Please take care of getting an appointment tomorrow and hopefully be seen next week. If your oncologist was in a group, it should be relatively easy to find another. If not, get your primary care doctor to help. Don't wait!

            Marianne quinn

              another oncologist should have assumed his patient load. It is critical that you go see another oncologist soon. Please take care of getting an appointment tomorrow and hopefully be seen next week. If your oncologist was in a group, it should be relatively easy to find another. If not, get your primary care doctor to help. Don't wait!


                I hope this doesn't come across as too insensitive but I am always impressed when a melanoma patient outlives their oncologist.

                Yes, by all means do locate another oncologist, preferably one that specializes in melanoma.  Let's hope all this is nothing, however, the peace of mind that comes with knowing for certain is priceless.

                Happy New Year to you.  May it be a marvelous one!


                    Thank you, Happy New Year to you too.


                      Thank you, Happy New Year to you too.


                        Thank you, Happy New Year to you too.


                        I hope this doesn't come across as too insensitive but I am always impressed when a melanoma patient outlives their oncologist.

                        Yes, by all means do locate another oncologist, preferably one that specializes in melanoma.  Let's hope all this is nothing, however, the peace of mind that comes with knowing for certain is priceless.

                        Happy New Year to you.  May it be a marvelous one!


                          I hope this doesn't come across as too insensitive but I am always impressed when a melanoma patient outlives their oncologist.

                          Yes, by all means do locate another oncologist, preferably one that specializes in melanoma.  Let's hope all this is nothing, however, the peace of mind that comes with knowing for certain is priceless.

                          Happy New Year to you.  May it be a marvelous one!

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