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New Melanoma Patient w/ a family history…..Quick SNB question.

Forums General Melanoma Community New Melanoma Patient w/ a family history…..Quick SNB question.

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      Hi everyone.

      I recieved my dx in early Feburary after having a itchy mole removed on my stomach. Long story short, it came back as melanoma. It was .82mm, CL IV, no mitosis, no ucleration, and a non-brisk host response. Having a family history of this disease (my father died after a 13 year battle), I am and have been constantly worried about it.

      Hi everyone.

      I recieved my dx in early Feburary after having a itchy mole removed on my stomach. Long story short, it came back as melanoma. It was .82mm, CL IV, no mitosis, no ucleration, and a non-brisk host response. Having a family history of this disease (my father died after a 13 year battle), I am and have been constantly worried about it.

      Shortly after the dx, I had surgery to ensure clean margins and a SNB. I then went to MD Anderson to have them check me out as well and based on my aformentioned family history I was given a CT and MRI as well. Everything came back good and I am now seeing a derm every three months. Twice a year at MD Anderson and twice locally here in Arkansas.

      I have a question for you guys and gals that have had node biopsies. My SNB was on my right groin (in mid Feb.). Over the past two weeks, my left groin has been in a constant state of mild to moderate pain. Is this normal? I went back to my surgeon and she didn't think much of it. She thinks it is probably just nerve damage. While I saw my nuclear scans during all my testing and can absolutely confirm that the mole drained to my right side, I'm not worried out of my mind that this has something moved over to my left side. Has anyone experienced pain in the opposite side of their body from their SNB?

      Thanks for any input and my each of you find happiness in your journeys.


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