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      waiting for follow up biopsy (of course waiting is the worst as we all know) As having had breast cancer aprox. 4 years back I find the second time around is both easier anc harder. The harder being telling my family "hey guess what its not  blackhead" I feel uncomfortable talking to them about how I feel as I dont want them to go through it again. So thank you for giving me an outlet. I guess its time to put my big irl pants on once aain and suck it up like w all do. I have 2 spots 4mm and 3mm on my face (of course  just when my son is about to be married) hat will make some nice pics lol) well thanx a ah ain for the "ear"

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          Sorry you're going through this. It's important not to go through it alone. We're with you in spirit. You can let it out here. We will listen and absorb.

          If what you have turns out to melanoma, it sounds like you are catching it early. And, if not, there is the comfort in knowing that the treatments available now are miles ahead of what was available just a few years ago. 

          Perhaps most importantly, do not believe the prognosis stats you read online. They applied to the old treatment landscape, not the current one.

          Best wishes,



            Oh Meeka,

            You already know that cancer sucks and that dealing with the reaction of others can be another burden. Not sure now the big girl pants will help..but comfy undies are good esp at scan times ☺☺☺Research seems to show a wait of up to 3 months for a wle won't make a difference….but I would probably prefer to get on with it and the wedding shots might have to be photo shopped.

            I feel for you as did not like ending up on crutches for sons graduation or various family weddings.

            But then again I find it difficult when kindly folk tell me I,' m looking well..and ask how it's going and you either fib or shock them by explaining now stage 4 in liver and problems with treatment.

            We' ve been in some dark and difficult places as a group and have no problem if you want to sound off. Cancer is unfair and stupid as Celeste's blog says. Vent anytime you like. We hear you and understand more than those not touched by this disease.

            Maybe you hold off talking to the family about those blackheads until

            You get certainty from the path reports then you only have to deal with the first certainty of diagnosis.. Although you know the next uncertainty is treatment and risk of progression… But we all sometimes have to slow things down to one day at a time… And focus on the good things you can enjoy, a loving family, good food, etc. Hope the biopsy brings good news and try to remember that treatments have improved.. Even down to creams and lesional injections . Almost forgot to dsay the most important thing…get yourself a second opinion at a melanoma specialist treatment centre. Things in melanoma world move so fast that the generalists can't keep pace with treatment advances and if you end up with a stage3 diagnosis don't dismiss going into clinical trials.

            Come here any time to vent, research, and share the journey ..

            Best wishes




                Hi thank you for your replies I really appreciate it very helpfull. The protocol is very much like breast cancer. I already have surgey booked and second Opinion done actually. Surgery will be the only treatment I will be doing I will still do some researh (here) for options to consider. Due to my medical allergies I could not do chemo. I am still ongoing care for severe radiation side effects so that option is off the table. So thank you again supporting each other just makes things a little easier.


                  Just to be aware, melanoma does not get treated with traditional chemo drugs. Immunotherapy is the type of treatment used for stage 3 and 4 melanoma. Lower stages get surgery and follow-up, not systemic treatment. Not everyone does radiation. Hope yours is a low stage and you don't have to even consider treatment. 


                  Meeka, I'm so sorry that you are going through this. My husband had to have a 5mm deep nodular melanoma removed from the lower right portion of his cheek, with a skin flap, just two weeks before our daughter's wedding, He was a little bit self-conscious but there was no need to be. With his surgeon's permission, I used a bit of makeup to camouflage the redness, and it was fine. The wedding photographer was very good about taking those "spontaneous" photos from his left side, and touched up the rest and you couldn't even tell it. We chose not to tell her the extent of the issue right before her wedding. We talked with her about it after she'd been home from her honeymoon for a couple of weeks. There is never a good time to find out that you have cancer AGAIN, but right before a child's wedding is one of the worst possible times. Try not to dwell on it and instead focus on the joyful occasion. I have an ear for you anytime, as the very kind and compassionate people on this forum have had an ear for me. It has been a tremendous help to be able to vent here, since I am always focused on staying positive and strong for my husband.   


                      Thank you for your kind words. Everyone has been very helpful and kind. There so much to learn. I can see or should I say read, how compsionate folks are here. Hugs

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