The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Content within the patient forum is user-generated and has not been reviewed by medical professionals. Other sections of the Melanoma Research Foundation website include information that has been reviewed by medical professionals as appropriate. All medical decisions should be made in consultation with your doctor or other qualified medical professional.


Forums General Melanoma Community NEED SUPPORT-SURGERY ON 1/30

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      two tumors in arm, 4 prev removed. newest one on an artery. Surg. doesnt know whether it is on the artery or wrapped around it.

      chemo did not shrink anything. most nodes prev removed but those damn mel cells are still lurkng around. Monsters arent they. Surg. says if mel is wrapped around he will leave it and then apply radiation. If lying on artery he could remove carefully. Scary to what can happen to my arm.

      just dont need this in my life (65yrs)

      two tumors in arm, 4 prev removed. newest one on an artery. Surg. doesnt know whether it is on the artery or wrapped around it.

      chemo did not shrink anything. most nodes prev removed but those damn mel cells are still lurkng around. Monsters arent they. Surg. says if mel is wrapped around he will leave it and then apply radiation. If lying on artery he could remove carefully. Scary to what can happen to my arm.

      just dont need this in my life (65yrs)

      To those w. lympedema concerns, I have it after 40 nodes removed. It can be managed. Use of a stocking daily and go for special lympedema  therapy. Its a commitment but worth it so your arm or leg doesnt get out of control. Unfort. you cant do the therapy yourself- you need the specialist.

      thanks JML

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    • Replies
          I hope all goes well with your surgery. You will be in my prayers.


            I hope all goes well with your surgery. You will be in my prayers.


              I hope all goes well with your surgery. You will be in my prayers.


              Donna M.

                Will pray that your surgery goes well.  Hang in there!

                Donna M.

                Donna M.

                  Will pray that your surgery goes well.  Hang in there!

                  Donna M.

                  Donna M.

                    Will pray that your surgery goes well.  Hang in there!

                    Donna M.

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