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Need follow up recommendations

Forums Cutaneous Melanoma Community Need follow up recommendations

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      Forum folks, what is the regular follow up should be in my case? I keep hitting odd drs who recommend me nothing, but I can see you all being followed up, well and regularly.

      Mid Nov 2016: dx-ed by dermatologist Dr Porres of MD, he gave me a very basic report "MM, margins are clear", no stage, depth or mitotic rate. A week later he made 5 mm cutting of the skin around the initial spot and sent me home saying nothing else is needed ever, no follow up.

      Early Jan 2017:  After reading Internet and consulting here with you, guys, I found a different hospital, got pet scan, more skin cut and 2 lympnodes removed in groin, all is clear. Here the drs suggested to get MRI annually if i wish, nothing else.

      Don't I need at least a dr's check 3- or 6 monthly? The mole was an inch above ankle bone, pencil eraser size, nasty looking, colorations, thicker, I would say, most probably stage 1b. 26 y.o, male, otherwise totally healthy.

      Thank you for support. 

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          When I was IB, had skin checks, LDH blood test, and chest x-ray every 3-4 months in the first year. After one year, this was reduced to every 5-6 months. 

          I really don't think you need an MRI ( but that is just my opinion ) I didn't have my first MRI until it was clear I had progressed and we were trying to assess spread.  

          If possible, you should ask your doctors for a copy of your pathology report to understand the depth. 

          Hope this provides some ideas for your ongoing monitoring!


              J, how long it took for u to recur? scaring really…


                Just over 18 months… but you have to remember, this disease is different for everyone, and the stats are on your side. 


                Other people on here know more than I do but if the first pathology report was that vague… would it be worth sending it to someone else for a second opinion?    There is a Dr. Minh who was recommended to me and very helpful.   

                For whatever reason… I would want to know what I was dealing with.    


                  Lower stagers like yourself don't get scans, but they do go to regular dermatologist appointments for skin checks. Depending on how many moles you have that can be either every 3 months or every 6 months. I have very very few moles so I go every 6 months.. and even then, I could probably go once a year really. 

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