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Neck Melanomas and Thyroids ???

Forums General Melanoma Community Neck Melanomas and Thyroids ???

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      Hello All


      So I thought I would throw this one out there, you never know someone may have some knowledge experience.


      Brief background – breast surgeon during biopsy urged me to see a dermo from mole on neck ( that I ha aldready had a scrape biopsy ) but seeing as I was on a medical roll I went ( thank the lord as I would never have gone back again ) and turns out I have two stage on melanomas.

      So now I have had my WLE on both and the dr did a PET scan because he thought it a little different to have two primaries at the same time and the neck and toe are on the same side blah blah.

      So, this is the part that is a little vague and I will find out more when I go back Friday , but he read my PET scan report out to me as he himself was reading it for the first time and from what I can tell some actibity was shown in thyroid but I believe this was from the CT element of the PET scan , some light up in my pelvis ( he assumed ovulating but I was two days pre menstrual ) and some stuff in my boob we assume from the biopsy . Cant say Im a great fan of assumption though.


      So I had a thyroid ultrasound on Mon and I have a little nodule 1.3 cm ( i know this because I asked the tech ) on the same side as my neck MEL but Im sure I saw another one the other side.

      So my question is, based on the rare chace a neck MEL can spread at stage 1 and the fact that MEL and tyhorids arent an obvious connection. If it were you what would you do ?

      I feel Im just stage one and this could be overkill, or could it ? Who knows you get so bloody confused in all of this. I dont want to start acting like someone sicker than I am .


      So has any one any experience of thyroids and neck MEL ?


      Thanks so much as always


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    • Replies

          I'd ignore the thyroid nodule IF you are thinking it is related to melanoma.  Thyroid nodules are common, more so in women, I believe.  And stage 1, even on the neck…. I just really think the connection extremely unlikely.  Remember, PET scans are notorious for false positives, and a radiologist will mention everything.  That doesn't mean everything is something of concern.  Personally, I'd just do follow up on the thyroid as directed and follow up on the melanoma as directed.  But I wouldn't try to make them into more than they are.  That's me.  You have to do what makes YOU comfortable!


          stage 1 since 1992, 3 MM primaries


              Thanks. Im not particuarly concerned about the thyroid in isolation, Ive read women get nodules all the time I just know my onc dr said we wont do a biopsy unless its bigger than 1 , the bugger had to be 1.3 didnt it , not obvious biopsy at  4cm or something. Im actually a little fed up now of all these biopsies , what with my lumpectomy and then the six i had post MEL diagnosis and a little selfishly for a Stage 1 bod I would just like a little respite from seeing the dr every two to three days so Im inclined to not push ……………….


              Was just chewing the cud as they say


                Your story was spooky since it is so similar to my own in many ways.  I had a stage I melanoma removed from my back in 2006.  I recently had an ovary removed and it had a large melanoma tumor on it.  I am now Stage IV but when they did my PET scan they saw activity in my breast and thyroid.  Thyroid biopsy showed thyroid cancer (still could be melanoma too since one of my nodules was undetermined) and melanoma in my breast.  Please get the biopsy, it was relatively painless and if it turns out to be nothing you will have peace of mind.



                  Hi Evleye


                  Thanks so much for replying , this cancer stuff is all very odd in my opinion. the whole " we all have it in our bodies and something sets it off " has been in my mind ALOT lately.


                  I wanted to update my post as I am always mindful incase someone searches and comes across it and wonders ' so what did they say ' ?  

                  So I am getting a biopsy. My dr said the PET scan was very hot in this area ( and semi warm in my aortic arch as well so I am guessing this will be tackled after ) and the Ultrasound showed something so thats what is happening.


                  When I asked about Melanoma passing to the thyroid he said it is possible, Melanoma and kidney cancer are the two that can show up as mets in the thyroid and to be honest once diagnosed with any stafe melanoma anything on a pet scan shouldnt be ignored. I appreciate his approach especially when I come across many stage one patients that end up having future problems.


                  Ill update once I have had the biopsy….




                    So, just a little update. The thyroids got to come out . Will know more what it is once its out next week.


                      So, just a little update. The thyroids got to come out . Will know more what it is once its out next week.


                        So, just a little update. The thyroids got to come out . Will know more what it is once its out next week.


                          Hi Evleye


                          Thanks so much for replying , this cancer stuff is all very odd in my opinion. the whole " we all have it in our bodies and something sets it off " has been in my mind ALOT lately.


                          I wanted to update my post as I am always mindful incase someone searches and comes across it and wonders ' so what did they say ' ?  

                          So I am getting a biopsy. My dr said the PET scan was very hot in this area ( and semi warm in my aortic arch as well so I am guessing this will be tackled after ) and the Ultrasound showed something so thats what is happening.


                          When I asked about Melanoma passing to the thyroid he said it is possible, Melanoma and kidney cancer are the two that can show up as mets in the thyroid and to be honest once diagnosed with any stafe melanoma anything on a pet scan shouldnt be ignored. I appreciate his approach especially when I come across many stage one patients that end up having future problems.


                          Ill update once I have had the biopsy….




                            Hi Evleye


                            Thanks so much for replying , this cancer stuff is all very odd in my opinion. the whole " we all have it in our bodies and something sets it off " has been in my mind ALOT lately.


                            I wanted to update my post as I am always mindful incase someone searches and comes across it and wonders ' so what did they say ' ?  

                            So I am getting a biopsy. My dr said the PET scan was very hot in this area ( and semi warm in my aortic arch as well so I am guessing this will be tackled after ) and the Ultrasound showed something so thats what is happening.


                            When I asked about Melanoma passing to the thyroid he said it is possible, Melanoma and kidney cancer are the two that can show up as mets in the thyroid and to be honest once diagnosed with any stafe melanoma anything on a pet scan shouldnt be ignored. I appreciate his approach especially when I come across many stage one patients that end up having future problems.


                            Ill update once I have had the biopsy….




                              Your story was spooky since it is so similar to my own in many ways.  I had a stage I melanoma removed from my back in 2006.  I recently had an ovary removed and it had a large melanoma tumor on it.  I am now Stage IV but when they did my PET scan they saw activity in my breast and thyroid.  Thyroid biopsy showed thyroid cancer (still could be melanoma too since one of my nodules was undetermined) and melanoma in my breast.  Please get the biopsy, it was relatively painless and if it turns out to be nothing you will have peace of mind.



                                Your story was spooky since it is so similar to my own in many ways.  I had a stage I melanoma removed from my back in 2006.  I recently had an ovary removed and it had a large melanoma tumor on it.  I am now Stage IV but when they did my PET scan they saw activity in my breast and thyroid.  Thyroid biopsy showed thyroid cancer (still could be melanoma too since one of my nodules was undetermined) and melanoma in my breast.  Please get the biopsy, it was relatively painless and if it turns out to be nothing you will have peace of mind.



                                  Thanks. Im not particuarly concerned about the thyroid in isolation, Ive read women get nodules all the time I just know my onc dr said we wont do a biopsy unless its bigger than 1 , the bugger had to be 1.3 didnt it , not obvious biopsy at  4cm or something. Im actually a little fed up now of all these biopsies , what with my lumpectomy and then the six i had post MEL diagnosis and a little selfishly for a Stage 1 bod I would just like a little respite from seeing the dr every two to three days so Im inclined to not push ……………….


                                  Was just chewing the cud as they say


                                    Thanks. Im not particuarly concerned about the thyroid in isolation, Ive read women get nodules all the time I just know my onc dr said we wont do a biopsy unless its bigger than 1 , the bugger had to be 1.3 didnt it , not obvious biopsy at  4cm or something. Im actually a little fed up now of all these biopsies , what with my lumpectomy and then the six i had post MEL diagnosis and a little selfishly for a Stage 1 bod I would just like a little respite from seeing the dr every two to three days so Im inclined to not push ……………….


                                    Was just chewing the cud as they say


                                    I'd ignore the thyroid nodule IF you are thinking it is related to melanoma.  Thyroid nodules are common, more so in women, I believe.  And stage 1, even on the neck…. I just really think the connection extremely unlikely.  Remember, PET scans are notorious for false positives, and a radiologist will mention everything.  That doesn't mean everything is something of concern.  Personally, I'd just do follow up on the thyroid as directed and follow up on the melanoma as directed.  But I wouldn't try to make them into more than they are.  That's me.  You have to do what makes YOU comfortable!


                                    stage 1 since 1992, 3 MM primaries


                                      I'd ignore the thyroid nodule IF you are thinking it is related to melanoma.  Thyroid nodules are common, more so in women, I believe.  And stage 1, even on the neck…. I just really think the connection extremely unlikely.  Remember, PET scans are notorious for false positives, and a radiologist will mention everything.  That doesn't mean everything is something of concern.  Personally, I'd just do follow up on the thyroid as directed and follow up on the melanoma as directed.  But I wouldn't try to make them into more than they are.  That's me.  You have to do what makes YOU comfortable!


                                      stage 1 since 1992, 3 MM primaries

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