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Forums General Melanoma Community Naturopath

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      I have decided to consult with a naturopath to see if there is anything that I am comfortable with to complement the treatments that I have and will be receiving from the traditional medical system. Has anyone else done this?

      I have decided to consult with a naturopath to see if there is anything that I am comfortable with to complement the treatments that I have and will be receiving from the traditional medical system. Has anyone else done this?

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        Carmon in NM

          I've been seeing a naturopathic doctor since I was diagnosed in 2008. You have to be sure that the person you see has been medically trained so that he/she knows what will compliment and support and not block or even counteract your medical treatments.

          Dr Stauber has advised me on what herbs and supplements I should stop prior to and after surgery and also during chemo. She has also helped me with diet and prescribed supplements to support specific treatments.

          Since I have gotten this kind of naturopathic supportive treatment along with acupuncture and chiropractic from the time I was diagnosed, it's impossible for me to say whether it has made a difference or not. I do know that I feel better after all of these treatments. I've recovered quickly from surgeries and managed a clinical drug trial with minimal down time and was declared in full remission at the end of the trial on 4/13/2011.

          I really think it is a personal decision to make and if you feel it will help and feel good about the process, then go for it!

          Carmon in NM – Stage IIIB 9/2008, Stage IV 6/2010 with brain and adrenal mets, NED since 4/13/2011.

          Carmon in NM

            I've been seeing a naturopathic doctor since I was diagnosed in 2008. You have to be sure that the person you see has been medically trained so that he/she knows what will compliment and support and not block or even counteract your medical treatments.

            Dr Stauber has advised me on what herbs and supplements I should stop prior to and after surgery and also during chemo. She has also helped me with diet and prescribed supplements to support specific treatments.

            Since I have gotten this kind of naturopathic supportive treatment along with acupuncture and chiropractic from the time I was diagnosed, it's impossible for me to say whether it has made a difference or not. I do know that I feel better after all of these treatments. I've recovered quickly from surgeries and managed a clinical drug trial with minimal down time and was declared in full remission at the end of the trial on 4/13/2011.

            I really think it is a personal decision to make and if you feel it will help and feel good about the process, then go for it!

            Carmon in NM – Stage IIIB 9/2008, Stage IV 6/2010 with brain and adrenal mets, NED since 4/13/2011.


              Thanks Camerin. Prior to my melanoma diagnosis, I was already seeing a chiropractor, massage therapist and nutritionist on a regular basis.

              The naturopath that I have been reffered to is Dr. Hania Armengol who has a very good reputation. I'll see what she has to say and make a decision once I have hear her rcommendations and the recommendations of my traditional medical team.


                Thanks Camerin. Prior to my melanoma diagnosis, I was already seeing a chiropractor, massage therapist and nutritionist on a regular basis.

                The naturopath that I have been reffered to is Dr. Hania Armengol who has a very good reputation. I'll see what she has to say and make a decision once I have hear her rcommendations and the recommendations of my traditional medical team.

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