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MRI of brain stable, liver all very close to normal again

Forums General Melanoma Community MRI of brain stable, liver all very close to normal again

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    Just want to let you know my brain MRI from 11 weeks ago Proton treatment on two mets continues to show shrinkage. Other lesion in brain remain stable too. This is 4 weeks from first IPI reinduction. My blood is drawn each week and my liver numbers are very near to normal again. I continue with the 4 pills in the morning morning and 4 Zelboraf pills at night while continuing with the IPI infusions . I am a bit tired and bit unstable at times walking but all in all I feel good. I was really nervous about trying both Zelboraf and Yervoy simultaneously but so far it seems like it might have been the right decision for me. Next brain MRI not for 6 to 8 weeks unless something happens. Will update as new data becomes available, good or bad.
    Thanks to all who contribute so much to this website.
    Kathy D
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  • Replies
      Phil S
        Kathy, I am thrilled for your great news! I have followed your story as my husband, Phil also went thru WBR in November, and we were treated at Dana Farber in Boston for many months, so we have the Massachusetts connection. I truly hope with all my heart your treatment combination continues to work wonders for you, God Bless, Valerie (Phil’s wife)
        Phil S
          Kathy, I am thrilled for your great news! I have followed your story as my husband, Phil also went thru WBR in November, and we were treated at Dana Farber in Boston for many months, so we have the Massachusetts connection. I truly hope with all my heart your treatment combination continues to work wonders for you, God Bless, Valerie (Phil’s wife)
          Phil S
            Kathy, I am thrilled for your great news! I have followed your story as my husband, Phil also went thru WBR in November, and we were treated at Dana Farber in Boston for many months, so we have the Massachusetts connection. I truly hope with all my heart your treatment combination continues to work wonders for you, God Bless, Valerie (Phil’s wife)
            Karin L

              That is wonderful Kathy!  Thank you for keeping us posted.



              Karin L

                That is wonderful Kathy!  Thank you for keeping us posted.



                Karin L

                  That is wonderful Kathy!  Thank you for keeping us posted.




                    Great news.Love to read good postings.Brings hope to everyone.Keep it comming.Prayers go out to you.   Al


                        Really great news, Kathy!



                          Really great news, Kathy!



                            Really great news, Kathy!



                            Great news.Love to read good postings.Brings hope to everyone.Keep it comming.Prayers go out to you.   Al


                              Great news.Love to read good postings.Brings hope to everyone.Keep it comming.Prayers go out to you.   Al

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