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Forums General Melanoma Community MPIP Chat

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    Carole K

      HI Everyone,

      I was once very active on this board and have been busy with Grandma duty.  I would like to start the Chat room up again.  It was a wonderful place to go for advice, or just to chat.  Often times, once you keep going conversations actually become hilarious.   It was always a wonderful place if you were down in the dumps.  Within five minutes you would be laughing. 

      Chat is of course primarily for support and information and support patients may need. 

      If you would be interested in being a part of chat just let me know. 

      I am going ot reach out to some old timers who are long term survivors.  They are people I have know for at least 15 years and who have incredible stories to share.

      I will be in chat Tues. evening at 7PM eastern time. 

      Hang in there!!!!!!! NEVER EVER GIVE UP HOPE

      Love and Light

      Carole K. 

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    • Replies
        [email protected]


          It' s great to see you post! I'm glad to hear you have been enjoying Grandma duty! I've heard grandkids are the reward for surviving your own kids! ha 

          You are right that chat used to be so fun! And how you would connect with people you just wouldn't expect. Glenda is my best all time example of that. Who would think being a 34 yo mom from Ohio that I would ever meet up with a grandma from Arkansas. And one that was a much fun as her!

          I'm not sure I can make it into chat on Tues but I'll certainly give it a try. Hope to "see" you there!

          Take care!


          [email protected]


            It' s great to see you post! I'm glad to hear you have been enjoying Grandma duty! I've heard grandkids are the reward for surviving your own kids! ha 

            You are right that chat used to be so fun! And how you would connect with people you just wouldn't expect. Glenda is my best all time example of that. Who would think being a 34 yo mom from Ohio that I would ever meet up with a grandma from Arkansas. And one that was a much fun as her!

            I'm not sure I can make it into chat on Tues but I'll certainly give it a try. Hope to "see" you there!

            Take care!


              Carole K



                It is so nice to see you post to me.  How ar you?  We definitely have to catch up.  Wow, when I think back to the chat days and a joke Glenda and I played on Don..  We came up with this scheme and he didn't know for a year it was me he was emailing.   Glenda and I spent about two hours on the phone about one week before she passed away.  She was incredible.  I just pray when my time comes I can be as courageous. 

                I do hope you can come to chat.  would love love love to catch up.

                Big Hugs dear Lady

                Love and Light


                Carole K



                  It is so nice to see you post to me.  How ar you?  We definitely have to catch up.  Wow, when I think back to the chat days and a joke Glenda and I played on Don..  We came up with this scheme and he didn't know for a year it was me he was emailing.   Glenda and I spent about two hours on the phone about one week before she passed away.  She was incredible.  I just pray when my time comes I can be as courageous. 

                  I do hope you can come to chat.  would love love love to catch up.

                  Big Hugs dear Lady

                  Love and Light


                  Carole K



                    It is so nice to see you post to me.  How ar you?  We definitely have to catch up.  Wow, when I think back to the chat days and a joke Glenda and I played on Don..  We came up with this scheme and he didn't know for a year it was me he was emailing.   Glenda and I spent about two hours on the phone about one week before she passed away.  She was incredible.  I just pray when my time comes I can be as courageous. 

                    I do hope you can come to chat.  would love love love to catch up.

                    Big Hugs dear Lady

                    Love and Light


                  [email protected]


                    It' s great to see you post! I'm glad to hear you have been enjoying Grandma duty! I've heard grandkids are the reward for surviving your own kids! ha 

                    You are right that chat used to be so fun! And how you would connect with people you just wouldn't expect. Glenda is my best all time example of that. Who would think being a 34 yo mom from Ohio that I would ever meet up with a grandma from Arkansas. And one that was a much fun as her!

                    I'm not sure I can make it into chat on Tues but I'll certainly give it a try. Hope to "see" you there!

                    Take care!


                    Kim K

                      Hi Carole!  Gimme a call why don't you!

                      Funny you should post, I go in this Tues. for my scans.  I am still NED just over 3 1/2 years.  My new e-mail is [email protected].  I don't know if your info is the same or not.

                      I will be in NY at Plum Island the beginning of June for 2 weeks and will be staying at Orient Point.  Hope to see you while there.

                      On the way home I am purchasing my starter flock of sheep, some goats, 2 more livestock guardian dogs and have officially dipped my toe in the pool of becoming a sheep rancher of 2 Girls Farm LLC.

                      I always wonder what is up with you and your family.  You are truely the love and light and I desparatly miss chat with the old timers.  Here's to lifting a cold one – down the hatch………..



                        Kim K

                          Damn…..  At 7PM EST I will be working testing pigs on Oahu.  It will only be 1 PM, but I would have finished my onc. visit by then.  Call then…..  We are the only Kozuma in the phone book on the Big Island……  Mom can give you my cell, she still remembers you and our trips to visit when you were in NC.

                          Kim K

                            Damn…..  At 7PM EST I will be working testing pigs on Oahu.  It will only be 1 PM, but I would have finished my onc. visit by then.  Call then…..  We are the only Kozuma in the phone book on the Big Island……  Mom can give you my cell, she still remembers you and our trips to visit when you were in NC.

                            Kim K

                              Damn…..  At 7PM EST I will be working testing pigs on Oahu.  It will only be 1 PM, but I would have finished my onc. visit by then.  Call then…..  We are the only Kozuma in the phone book on the Big Island……  Mom can give you my cell, she still remembers you and our trips to visit when you were in NC.

                            Kim K

                              Hi Carole!  Gimme a call why don't you!

                              Funny you should post, I go in this Tues. for my scans.  I am still NED just over 3 1/2 years.  My new e-mail is [email protected].  I don't know if your info is the same or not.

                              I will be in NY at Plum Island the beginning of June for 2 weeks and will be staying at Orient Point.  Hope to see you while there.

                              On the way home I am purchasing my starter flock of sheep, some goats, 2 more livestock guardian dogs and have officially dipped my toe in the pool of becoming a sheep rancher of 2 Girls Farm LLC.

                              I always wonder what is up with you and your family.  You are truely the love and light and I desparatly miss chat with the old timers.  Here's to lifting a cold one – down the hatch………..



                              Kim K

                                Hi Carole!  Gimme a call why don't you!

                                Funny you should post, I go in this Tues. for my scans.  I am still NED just over 3 1/2 years.  My new e-mail is [email protected].  I don't know if your info is the same or not.

                                I will be in NY at Plum Island the beginning of June for 2 weeks and will be staying at Orient Point.  Hope to see you while there.

                                On the way home I am purchasing my starter flock of sheep, some goats, 2 more livestock guardian dogs and have officially dipped my toe in the pool of becoming a sheep rancher of 2 Girls Farm LLC.

                                I always wonder what is up with you and your family.  You are truely the love and light and I desparatly miss chat with the old timers.  Here's to lifting a cold one – down the hatch………..




                                  sounds wnderful. ILet me know how to

                                  join in. I start yervoy tomorrow.


                                    sounds wnderful. ILet me know how to

                                    join in. I start yervoy tomorrow.


                                      sounds wnderful. ILet me know how to

                                      join in. I start yervoy tomorrow.

                                        Carole K


                                          would love to chat with you.  Just go to the main page and click patietn support and look over to the left.  You will see MPIP Forum.  Just click on chat and you will be there.  Hugs

                                          Love and light


                                          Carole K


                                            would love to chat with you.  Just go to the main page and click patietn support and look over to the left.  You will see MPIP Forum.  Just click on chat and you will be there.  Hugs

                                            Love and light


                                            Carole K


                                              would love to chat with you.  Just go to the main page and click patietn support and look over to the left.  You will see MPIP Forum.  Just click on chat and you will be there.  Hugs

                                              Love and light


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